KAW vs. KaWtion

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by killjoy777, Feb 17, 2010.

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  1. KaWtion has just won the war
    KaWtion training was completly wiped clean but now all of KAW's members have left the clan so by war KaWtion has won!!
  2. Kaw has 5 mem now I think
  3. We won!!!
  4. Where is that screenshot guys lol
  5. Wrong forum section Killjoy777. Try the Aliiances section next time, or Other Game Discussion.
  6. KA, while true, this all occured and died feb 16. Good try :)
  7. @Cor - like you have never been fooled by a rogue bumper before. Lets just assume that he realized his mistake without your comment.
  8. Not really as I remember kawtion dissbanded we didn't 

    just sayin thats y theres a KaWtion Reborn now but theres still kaw
  9. There was no one in KAW left o.o
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