KaW Timeline

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Ratgy_Ball, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. What is it?
    The name pretty much says it all. If anyone has any memories of a "Big Deal" in KaW along with the approximate time that it happened, please comment below and I'll add it to the thread with your name properly credited. I originally started in 2011 so I'm missing out on 2 whole years of KaW already, but if anyone remembers anything from 2009 or 2010 feel free to write it down.

    -1st clan
    -1st mod
    -1st war
    -End to PW, start of EB
    -Massive OSW

    Alright thanks everyone and enjoy!
  2. 1st mod- Corinthian (I think)
  3. One of the first clans, I think it's IG, as they can hold up to 115 members (I think) rewarded to the very first clans.
  4. Spragga, everyone trolled in forums and said if you built stables you'd meet Spragga etc. was some funny stuff :lol:
  5. Wrong that was first war with foxes and they can hold 125 as they beta tested.
  6. Can you not read? *I think, (I think) -_-
  7. Meaning my memory is baddddddddd
  8. Foxes and iG
  9. Massive osw= new age against some other peeps, and Zaft against some other peeps
  10. Different osw's but I cba to use full stops. Lel
  11. And for the end of pw people came a little bit after the start of the epic battles people spent a lot of time making these accounts and while gold was still given from the war it would still run.
  12. Or the first events, the 50% bonus to gold/equip drop events that gave rise to HTE and devs gave everyone a free seal
  13. Massive osw

    og alliance vs zaft and allies
  14. 1. Search up the clan "1"

    2. Click on the owner's name.

    *Invalid Request*
  15. ZiG versus everyone.
    iTeam - Best open osf to hold pwars
    Countless huge strips.
    iG civil war
    oG alliance with apoc against WDGAF and Zaft.

    Waaay too many things have happened.
  16. 120 members
  17. This happens when any clan has the owner reset. Look up totai chaos (with an I) same thing you nub :roll:
  18. Thought foxes came first because foxes can hold 120 members