KaW: The Myth, The Legend, Chronic

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Kalob, Dec 8, 2011.

  1. Hello, You may know me, you may not know me. Either way please enjoy this story of my life on KaW so far.

    I started kaw pretty close to a year ago, my mom got me into it after countless stories of AnuTheGreat, -_-FishMoBabyWhirlaMaJig-_-, Zumbi, Ganga_Zumba, Leonidas_300, _maximus_, Lord_Rahl, KingWongy,Miguenarva, Mateeeeee, and many many others. When i started the game as a young chronic i joined The Union. Upon arrival i git an instant volley to 2-3b ( cant remember). I was tutored by my mom, and The Union. Before long I was LCBC with T3's. I then wanted to go off and start my clan TRC or The Regular Clan. We had a great start with -_-FishMoBabyWhirlaMaJig-_- as a happy Co-Owner. We had many friends visit an so on, this was before EB's so all we had was PWARS. I wanted to start an OSF, so Leonidas_300 being a very nice person volleyed me 20b to start. By then i was 600k combined OSF on an account i named TheRegularOSF, commonly known as TRO. After a few pwars and S.O.S's I was 1.2m combined. Not knowing what to do with my accounts I made a clan called D A R K S I D E and became a farmer, if you were a victim, I apologize. I then reset TRO because of his build. I made him KingChronic, and made KingChronic-IV. KingChronic never made it that far and is a tiny acc to the day ( but has taken 3 clans alone in skirmish wars.) KingChronic-IV went clan hopping and found WAR FOCUSED. A few weeks later i was 1m combines. Still experimenting i went and did the " dirty deed" and sold all of my buildings to scam people, i only got one person ( very very sorry ) and i quit that , it simply wasnt me, i then built a COE and guilds, I am still in the upgrading process.


    Today i am a clan artist, you can see my work on many clans. I do wall art, custom art, anything. Please do spread word and send me requests, i LOVE doing art. Feel free to challenge me.

    I have left out a lot but, that is it for now, Thanks for reading, Happy Kawing 
  2. My Mom, Love ya mom 
  3. Love ya to hun
  4. I know all those people. Tight nit group. Very formidable in there day. A reunion in called for. Maybe we should start anew;) those where the days of triumph. The union made us strong.
  6. Solidarity