Hello, You may know me, you may not know me. Either way please enjoy this story of my life on KaW so far. I started kaw pretty close to a year ago, my mom got me into it after countless stories of AnuTheGreat, -_-FishMoBabyWhirlaMaJig-_-, Zumbi, Ganga_Zumba, Leonidas_300, _maximus_, Lord_Rahl, KingWongy,Miguenarva, Mateeeeee, and many many others. When i started the game as a young chronic i joined The Union. Upon arrival i git an instant volley to 2-3b ( cant remember). I was tutored by my mom, and The Union. Before long I was LCBC with T3's. I then wanted to go off and start my clan TRC or The Regular Clan. We had a great start with -_-FishMoBabyWhirlaMaJig-_- as a happy Co-Owner. We had many friends visit an so on, this was before EB's so all we had was PWARS. I wanted to start an OSF, so Leonidas_300 being a very nice person volleyed me 20b to start. By then i was 600k combined OSF on an account i named TheRegularOSF, commonly known as TRO. After a few pwars and S.O.S's I was 1.2m combined. Not knowing what to do with my accounts I made a clan called D A R K S I D E and became a farmer, if you were a victim, I apologize. I then reset TRO because of his build. I made him KingChronic, and made KingChronic-IV. KingChronic never made it that far and is a tiny acc to the day ( but has taken 3 clans alone in skirmish wars.) KingChronic-IV went clan hopping and found WAR FOCUSED. A few weeks later i was 1m combines. Still experimenting i went and did the " dirty deed" and sold all of my buildings to scam people, i only got one person ( very very sorry ) and i quit that , it simply wasnt me, i then built a COE and guilds, I am still in the upgrading process. Artist Today i am a clan artist, you can see my work on many clans. I do wall art, custom art, anything. Please do spread word and send me requests, i LOVE doing art. Feel free to challenge me. I have left out a lot but, that is it for now, Thanks for reading, Happy Kawing
I know all those people. Tight nit group. Very formidable in there day. A reunion in called for. Maybe we should start anew those where the days of triumph. The union made us strong.