KaW Survivor

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Apologetic, Jul 28, 2013.

  1. Hello ladies and gentlemen, smile here!

    Now before you say anything: YES! I know this idea has already been proposed but from what I've seen It hasn't been finalized and put into action which is why I am here writing to you all today :)

    So lets get this finalized like this: ill set some ground rules and ideas to start and you all add on to them with things that you would like to see added to this game :)


    There will be a clan of 24 people each separated into one of 2 tribes (suggest names for these below then we will hold a poll to determine the names!)

    These tribes will compete in challenges however so often for immunity and reward.

    Every week or so the tribe who did not win the last immunity challenge will have to go to tribal council and vote a member out of the clan.


    There will be a wide verity of challenges ranging from pvp to quiz challenges and everything in between (of course we will have the survivor auction!)

    There will be reward challenges and immunity challenges

    Reward challenges will have some sort of reward for winning them weather it be a hint of some sort or really whatever myself and others running this can come up with.

    Immunity challenges will determine which tribe must vote someone out of the game


    While they may share the same cc (or may be in different clans? What do you think?) the time where they are not in challenges or tribal council will be used by the players as they see fit. They can strategize and form alliances with whoever they please.

    There will also be a hidden immunity idol that will be hidden by barcode. It will post in wc once and a while and on forum threads so people paying attention will be more likely to find it. This idol will allow a person to be safe from the vote (meaning any votes cast against them will not count)


    Each week or however long we determine there will be a vote via pm to an alt account so it's private. The person with the most votes will be voted off the game.

    The person voted off the game will be announced via a weekly forum post along with challenge details and ss.

    Alright so now here's where you come in. I know it's not very pretty yet but when I get on a pc ill change that.

    Tell me what you think should be added to this game? What kind of rules did I miss? What would you like to see added on?

    If you would like to be a contestant and compete for a prize (TBD) and the title of Sole Survivor pm me your application stating why you would like to be on here :)
    If you would like to help organize (make up challenges, game twists, rewards/punishments) then pm me and I'll do my best to fill you in a slot :)

    Ty for your time forums!
  2. I ******* hate survivor,no support
  3. None of these ever amount to anything.

    Sorry for cut off,damn android.
  4. Lol I think it would be a fun thing to add to the game and for players getting bored. Would be especially fun if we could get some well known people helping us out with this or wanting to be on it.
  5. Wont happen for two reasons.

    1.T6/IL is tempting.

    2.People dont have time or the want.
  6. True, I didn't think of the HF being released recently. But by the time we get this finalized and set out and funds ready to go it will take a little while. The initial excitement of the HF will have worn off.
  7. This sounds interesting. I'd consider getting involved.
  8. Not with ability to upgrade to level 2 and 3 and with new ebs the devs hinted at.
  9. Well worth a shot, if it doesn't happen then it doesn't. I just have never seen a lot of effort put into this idea in particular so I thought it was worth a shot :)
  10. Murloc Tribe!

    Slogan: Mrglglglglhh!
  11. This could be entertaining.
  12. I think u should stop copying kho'lanta
  13. Just let it stick to pvp and it's good no need to add quizzes and ****