KaW Stats Spreadsheets

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Spike (01), Sep 27, 2009.

  1. I've shared a spreadsheet that I've been using to calculate my stats. It clarifies the discrepancy between the defense strength and spy defense strength stats that you see, and the calculated bonuses that others see. (Bonuses are 2% of your strength unless you have defense towers or spy defense towers, which raise your respective bonuses.)

    The spreadsheets are in google docs. They can be viewed and edited in a browser on the iPhone/iPod Touch if you're patient. Otherwise, access them out on a computer.  Please check them out and let me know what you think.

    I've shared two versions. The first is view only. Gmail users can make a personal copy to edit as they please. The second is editable, to be shared by everyone. We'll see how that goes. 

  2. Well done
  3. Great work Thanks!!!
  4. I haven't seen it yet but thanks for the time and effort.
  5. Thank you all. Major corrections and improvements have been made (thank you, minichip, whoever you are.

    I had the wrong values for the strength boost from towers. I'm pretty sure that this is due to the values being changed by the developers after I'd entered them in the spreadsheet. Perhaps as part of their efforts to balance the game more. I had caught one of them, but didn't have a way to check for values of buildings I didn't have. Minichip straightened it all out. Drop by and see the New, Improved, KaW Stats Spreadsheet today!
  6. Nice job.. L1 guild is also 25k I believe. I can't wait for the new buildings :)
  7. Well, minichip is me and I am happy to be of help 
  8. Bumpage yo for dude
  9. click on this to get to the editable site. let's just hope I did it right.
  10. Why did u bump this? NO BUMPING DEAD THREADS MOD! lol
  11. It was requested.
  12. And actually a useful thread. XD A pity spike quit kaw, she would've been a good addition to IG here...