KaW staff and whoever else

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by MYTHIllITHElIlIVILLAIN, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. kaw_community moderator I caught yall lurking once again why dont yall interact with other players some moderators do but KaW doesnt
  2. I have to go I will complete forum later
  3. I do my best to pop by in between different tasks. What's up?
  4. 2082 post from him lol

  5. The sky
  6. That's over 1,700 more than you ;)
  7. I wanted to talk to u and I sent a email and never got a reply
  8. You mean u do ur best to ignore us.should of just said whats up atm machines its what u think we are when are u guys gona start listening to your customers
  9. Support
  10. I use like 590 a year even though thats not a lot compared to others i know but still
  11. If they didn't there wouldn't be any pvp events :roll: or changes in favor count to better suit everyone within the event...
  12. If KC responded to every single player that asked him a question or just wanted to chat, he'd never get anything else done.
  13. isn't it a bypass to give out personal info like law_community gender? Bypass!!
  14. You are so dumb, for real
  15. I thought KC was a bunch of different people
  16. Tis only one way to summon the beast..

  17. he gets other stuff done? :shock: