My "love" story has ended and now i'm going to be writing a sci fi It will be about monsters, robots and super computers Looking for the following cast: 1) Young man who's really good at programing 2) A robot who needs human heart 3) some kind of farmer 4) a dog named toto 5) A wizard who makes "detection scripts" but EPlC fails at finding out whos really human
This is the story of a fisherman who one was too lazy to do things proper. They would fish and fish and fish and only after many hours would they actually catch something. Each fishing "session" could last a long time. So one day the fisherman went into town and spoke with the a special man called Mr. Google They discovered the fisherman didn't have to be there at all. The rod could fish on it's own. It would spacebar and sell a potio....i mean throw bait into the water on it's own with random millisecs. infact it was so successfull that the fisherman adapted it to almost everything. they no longer had to walk the dog (auto-poo) and he no longer worked at all. instead he would just refill bait every morning!
news of this fisherman spread across the country and soon every little town had fishermen doing this same thing. The towns grew big and fat as they had fishermans 24/7 just bring in boats of fish! The towns grew so big that they thought they were the BEST towns in all the country? But the towns has no sewage and no brains. The wizard of the land was not happy. Fishermen were not supposed to be like this. They were making it so that no one had to work, no one did anything except wait for the fish to be served. They didn't know how to do anything for themselves. So the wizard tried to figure out what Mr. Google had showed them. tried to cast a spell but obviously it failed or it was very small spell. since little or no one was caught.
So the wizard let everyone know that those without hearts would be punished! The towns laughed and ignored the wizard! But no one everyone was happy with the way things were. Some people decided to put together a list of all the dishonest fishermen. But it wasn't the dishonest fishermen, it was also to find out what else they did! Since these fishermen had so much time on their hands, they were now becoming mayors, making ladders and boards part time. And some even became great leaders! But they still are fishermen....dishonest...corrupt....cursed souls! So the wizard improved his spell and will receive this list shortly if things are not turned off. None of us want to ruin anyone's game and we don't have confidence that the wizard's spell will work. it is very hard to cast a proper spell when greater wizards like Mr. WoW can't solve their own problem. But the wizard knew that 50-60% of problems could be solved by disabling the repeat function of the space-bar fishing rod. so what will happen next chapter? how many fishermen will be hung out to dry? Continued in 1 weeks time. This is our second warning, i'm DEADLY serious. You can be REBORN honest.
Then the fisherman all strted dying. The wizard tried to heal them, but to no avail. The whole world ended. The end
wizard would be the last one to heal them. Maybe Mr. Google might be of use but he doesn't care. He's just a service. The fishermen may go back to being honest fisherman or maybe they no longer have to fish at this point? 1 week and the story continues.