KaW: reflections from an EB fairy.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Attila_X, Sep 6, 2013.

  1. Kingdoms at WAR? not so sure

    Hello fellow kawers i believe devs should change the name of this game to
    'Kingdoms at EBs'.

    Because i think only 1 in 10(maybe 20) is actually warring or thinking of warring. The rest are on a path to becoming 10mils cs EB FAIRIES.

    What happens when we go to war and lose? i tell u what WON'T happen.

    1. your parents/loved ones will not disown/leave u.
    2. you will not be expelled frm school or lose your job.
    3. your credit card wont be affected and your bank account wont freeze on u
    4. u will not be so stressed out and go berserk that u'll end up picking a shotgun and shoot people at random.
    5. think of other worse case scenario and it will most likely not happen.

    You'll risk only gold and a few crystals. for those of u who thinks this is too much to risk, then do this experiment.

    Go to a shop, take the device u are playing this game with u, log in and show the shopkeeper the millions, billions or trillions u have earned in the game. buy a can of coke/pepsi anything cheap with that gold. If u can then i say BY GOD DON'T WAR.

    But if u cannot, and with CERTAINTY U CANNOT, then u will find how silly it is of u to treasure something that u can easily get back in a few EBs.

    So this is my proposal. Lock ebs. everyone can only do up to T3 ebs. U want to do T4, do EE once and get a T4 spell. Another EE to do T5 ebs and so on.

    At most 6 WARS ONLY if u wanna do T10 ebs. excluding T9 TVP, it should stay as it is.

    This will see ultimately the return of...
    Kingdoms at WAR. And an end to this madness of not wanting to war in a war game.

    Clans will force their clannies to participate in war. if they refuse then be content with the ugly Troll for the rest of their playing days.

    Members will pester owners and admins on pushing the clan to war to get the EB SPELL. and war will be open again and not restricted to specific builds to cater to Elitist warring clans.

    Please support. end this madness of playing a war game but never warring.
  2. Re: Kingdoms at WAR? not so sure

    Please at least post with your main, and gee you need ebs to get bfe.
  3. Re: Kingdoms at WAR? not so sure

    You have 37 losses.....sooooooo yea have fun being taken seriously
  4. Re: Kingdoms at WAR? not so sure

    And oh yeah... says the guy getting the most plunder from his clan's eb, plz try to seem more believeable
  5. Re: Kingdoms at WAR? not so sure

    At least try to post something original.
    Forums has been filled with this kind of stuff before.
    And just so ya know...the manager at the little store up the ways plays KaW as well...i got a free donut after we chatted a bit about new ebs.
  6. Re: Kingdoms at WAR? not so sure

    Funny thing about this thread is it is surrounded by war threads

    Snr 
  7. Re: Kingdoms at WAR? not so sure

    How to turn YOUR gaming to Kingdoms At I'm Sick Of EBs and I Want War #YOLO

    1. Click on World Chat
    2. Pick a strong opponent with a good clan
    3. Farm on
    4. Wait for incomings
    5. Beg for forgiveness
    6. Post a CF
    7. Reset
    8. Got back to EBs to grow
    9. Repeat step 1-9

    Happy kawing :)
  8. Re: Kingdoms at WAR? not so sure

    Didn't I threaten to farm op? Yah, I did.
  9. Re: Kingdoms at WAR? not so sure

    People will play the game however they choose. Some will do ebs some will ee war some will osw those having the most fun probably do all 3. No matter how much you bleat in the forums that will never change. If you want to war join a war clan. It really is that simple. There is always an osw happening somewhere
  10. Re: Kingdoms at WAR? not so sure

    Lets review the OPs stats shall we?
    you have only 37 losses, yet you make a thread lecturing forum on war? You are a joke. Out your money where your mouth is.
  11. Re: Kingdoms at WAR? not so sure

    Sooooooooo… you have taken ONE aspect of the warring side of the game, amd decided that all should have to do it?

    I like OSW, I personally don't like or have time for EE. But omg! If you think it's awesome, then of course … it's so simple. We should all do what you think is fun.

    You have my full sarcastic support.
  12. Re: Kingdoms at WAR? not so sure


    Where were you autocorrect!!! Where were you when I needed you!
  13. reflections from an eb fairy is the greatest title change for a thread EVER. Lol
  14. I selected a thread title that more accurately represented the thread content 
  15. If your not warring then your not trying. EBs are a necessary evil. Without them growth of the game stops and the game dies. If new players are thrust into war and don't get the opportunity to do ebs and learn what build fits them best they'll simply stop playing.

    "Don't be a crybaby be a do-baby" -Peggy Hill

    Translation: Go hit someone and all your war problems are solved.
  16. Haha pot kettle black situation I'm gonna have to sort op,s battles lost stats just so he doesn't look like such an idiot trust me it's in your best interests :)
  17. When KaW lets me gain xtals without spending cash, I will EE. And Moose (not Alces) don't post your guide to nobs/xtals. I don't have couch cushions.
  18. What HQ said 
  19. Ok so albeit the op was a little ingenuous and seems to all to be the rambling of a noob... A mod decided rather than to point out the many holes in his post, or to lock the thread for whatever reason. Instead changed the title of the thread to embarrass a rookie player. Making an example of the guy probably making him feel rock bottom and rather victimised. Thought mods were supposed to help newer kaw members, and at minimum pay towards a more generally positive forum atmosphere...

    Agree the op is short sighted but really... Really!?