So ,has someone tried with an alt to get the lowest items possible for the event and seen how many are apon him in the lb ? If so, how many are we ?
I did it on a alt in the event where you could exchange 1 of each item in the marketplace, I stayed on 1 all event until the last day and traded them all in was about 30k if I remember correctly
If I remember correctly at one point I was told we had near 500k active weekly. Back in 2012ish, could be wrong but I remember that being what floated around.
In the glory days I would say the number was mad high. Now games like coc,gow and ms have taken away players from here. Gangs at war ended fast so maybe thinking ape need to go into game style like coc and gow.
The game could be popular again if there was more help for beginners and if kaw had advertisement like CoC and mobile strike did