KaW Newb Dictionary (New Addition)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Wakebuster, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Hey Forumers, wake here. Just thought I'd post this dictionary on all the terms used in KaW. This should really help newbs better understand our lingo. I'm not sure if something like this has been posted (most likely it has) but this is the most current, up to date, dictionary.


    A Thinking Ape - A company based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (Creators of KaW, FC, PimD, GaW, and MV)

    Ac - Ally Chat (communication area only accessible to allies and their owner)

    Action - An attack/spy on another person or EB.

    Active - Online (either in an EB, not sleeping, in war, etc)

    Active Topics - Current area on the forums that consists of threads that are spurring the most discussion.

    Admin - Administrator (Suppose to help the owner run the clan)

    Alchemist - Area to go to use mithril on spells. Or a special guy who sells overpriced mith from time to time.

    Ally/Allies - Another KaW player(s) whom you own / player(s) someone else owns.

    Alt - Alternative account. Via another iDevice or computer or kindle or whatever else KaW is on.

    Aqua - Used for enchanting equipment. Can be bought for 5 xstals or dropped during certain EB's.

    Assa - Assassinate

    ASW - All-Star War (a war (tourney) held on a weekend in September to celebrate KaW's anniversary)

    AT - Active Topics

    ATA - A Thinking Ape

    Atk/Att - Attack

    Attack Build - Player who is consists of mainly attack buildings.


    B2B - Back to Back. (Used when something happens regularly. Ex: B2B Haunting)

    Balanced Build - Player who has equal attack and spy stats.

    Banner - Your status message.

    Bar - Your troops and/or spy amounts.

    Battle List Wednesday's - Traditional day were clans use the Battle List to do some farming. (Not as popular as it once was)

    BC - Build Complete (All T5's on the Highlands or all T4's on the Lowlands)

    BFA - Bonus From Allies.

    Bil/B - Billion.

    BL - Battle List (There is a "Battle" button that most people don't even know exists. Gives you a list of recently logged on kawers to attack/spy whom are roughly your same strength)

    BLW - Battle List Wednesday's

    Bonus From Allies - (Stats you receive on top of yours in respect to your allies or ally)

    Bot - A computer program that plays KaW for you. NOTE** IF YOU USE ONE OF THESE YOU WILL GET CAUGHT AND PERM BANNED.

    Bronze Bars - Used to bank gold in and are sometimes dropped from EB's.

    Bump - Bring Up My Post (Used on forums to put a dead thread back up on the Active Topics so it can be discussed some more. Or just to spam AT)

    Butthurt - Complainer/Whiner (Someone who 1. was farmed 2. Hating on the devs. And they complain via wall/wc/forums)

    Bypass - To cause a ToS infraction by making a normally censored visible. Ex: Banana = B@nana.


    Ca - Clan Announcement

    Castle - Most unique building in the game. Allows access to the Alchemist and/or Mage upon upgrading.

    CC - Clan Chat

    Clan Announcement - Area at the top of cc for admins/owner to displace a message to all of cc.

    Clan Chat - Area of communication for people in the same clan.

    Cloak - Viridescent Shield.

    CoD - City of the Dead.

    Combined Stats - Your Attack/Defence/Spy Attack/Spy Defence bonus to owner all added up. (Aka your stats)

    CoR - Cave of Riches.

    Crystal - An item that regens your troops/spies.

    Cs - Combined Stats

    CTT - Crossing The Threshold.


    Def - Defence

    Defender Too Strong - Person whom is too strong (big) for you to attack/spy.

    Defender Too Weak - Player who can't be hit because 1. They have under 20% troops/spies 2. They are too small

    Dev - ATA Developer. (Works, creates, improves, modifies the game, server, rules, etc.)

    DTS - Defender Too Strong

    DTW - Defender Too Weak


    EB - Epic Battle

    EB Noob - An inexperienced war player whom only hits EB's and is (usually) scared of getting farmed.

    EE - Estoc's Edge

    Enchant(ing) - Using Aqua and/or Inferno to enhance your equipment.

    Epic Battle - A well paying, non-actionfilled event where you attack/spy a programmed event.

    Equipment - Stat improving items that can be obtained from certain EB's.

    Estoc's Edge - Reward for winning an Estoc's Trial War.


    Farm - Someone(s) you attack more than 5x in less than 24 hrs. (Verb form - Farming)

    FB - Full Bar

    FC - Future Combat

    Feather - Diamondiferious.

    Filter - A **** thingy that censors ******* words for whatever ******* reason.

    First! - What the victor posts on a thread if they're the first ones to read/open it.

    FoD - Figure of Death.

    Full - 100% troops and spies.

    Full Bar - To dump (or receive) a full bar of attacks / spies.

    Future Combat - Another game made by ATA.


    Gang Bang - To have multiple players attack/spy someone.

    Gangs at War - Another ATA game.

    GaW - Gangs at War.

    Guild - A clan.

    Guild Hansel - Player who is a hansel and has all guilds as their spy buildings.


    Hansel - A build with typically all spy buildings and 1 attack building. But they still fit this bill if they have under 25% attack buildings.

    Highlands - Next set of lands after the original 25. Has a nice wooded, waterfall scenic view.

    Highland Build(ing) Complete - To own all 50 lands, have 25 lvl 3 T5's on the HL's and 24 lvl 3 T4's in the Lowlands, and to have a lvl 3 castle.

    Highland Complete - To purchase all the lands in the highlands (and ultimately all 50 lands)

    HL - Highlands

    HLC - Highland Complete

    HLBC - Highland Build(ing) Complete

    Hooves - Hooves of Destruction.

    Hybrid - A very spy heavy build, but not as much as a hansel.
    25% spy buildings < hybrid < 50% spy buildings


    Inferno - Used for enchanting equipment. Can either be bought for 7.5b or dropped during certain EB's.

    Items -
    1. Equipment
    2. Another name for pots
    3. Referring to a pot stage in an EB. (You'll be able to tell the meaning by the context of how it's said)



    K - Thousand.

    Keep - To keep an ally.

    Kill Shot - Two ways to use this:
    1. You have the last hit on an EB
    2. You KO someone in war.

    KO - Knockout

    Knockout - To have 0 troops and 0 spies in a war.


    Leaderboard - Click on the "leaders" button and you'll go to the leaderboards. These show individual and clan leaders/rankings.

    Link - A quick link to someone's profile via wall post, newsfeed, wc, cc, ac, war records, EB records, forum post.

    LL - Lowlands

    Locked - A thread you can no longer post on.

    Lowlands - The first 25 lands.

    Lurking - Watching forums/wc/cc but not talking.


    Mage - Place to enchant equipment.

    Main - Someone main/primary account.

    Marketplace - Button on the bottom right that allows you buy pots, visit the Oracle, Mage, and Alchemist.

    Max Plunder - To have the highest amount of plunder from allies you can possibly get.

    Meegos Village - Another game made by ATA.

    Mil/M - Million.

    Mith - Mithril.

    Mithril - Currency used to purchase spells. (Obtained by winning wars or by being bought via Alchemist)

    Mods - Green people that everyone hate.

    Mole - A spy in another clan.

    MP - Max Plunder.

    MV - Meegos Village

    Mwar - Mithril War. (See pwar). Almost identical to a pwar except the hitting side does not forfeit and the osf/oaf will not receive and tax money. But the hitters will get mith.


    Naked - To have no allies.

    Necklace - Torrent Tailsman

    Newb - Someone who's new to kingdoms at war.

    Newsfeed - You news that gives you notices for anything involving your clan, allies, and battle. (Often the saying "I'll be in your news" means you're about to be farmed)

    NG - New Growth.

    NML - No Man's Land.

    NQ - No Quarter.

    Nob - Nobility Points.

    Nobility Points - Can be bought at the oracle or dropped from quests. Used for name changed, speaker purchases, and regenerating.

    Noob - An annoying idiot.

    Noob Rage - (see Rage) except committed by a noob.


    Off-System War - A gruelling style of war that has no rules, no timer, not using the war system, often goes on for days/weeks/months.

    Oaf - Open Attack Farm (Someone who zeros their spies and allows free steals)

    Osf - Open Secret Farm (Also known as "Open Spy Farm". A pure spy who allows free attacks)

    Osw - Off-System War


    Pal - Palringo

    Palringo - Popular third party chatting app used for clan communication and/or leisure.

    Party in my Dorm - Another game made by ATA.

    Perm - Permanent (As in a perm member or perm item)

    PimD - Party in my Dorm (Also, Pedo/Pervs in my Dorm)

    Pin - To keep someone DTW

    Plunder - The gold you win from an attack/steal.

    Plunder War - A preset war where one side (hitters) hit a(n) osf(s) and/or oaf(s). In return, the hitting side will forfeit the war to give the tax to the osf clan. (These wars are no longer available in KaW)

    Pm - Personal Message

    Pots - Disposable items that can be purchased in the marketplace to aid attacks/defence OR it could mean items for an EB. You'll know by the context.

    Pot up - To buy pots.

    Pro Pack - A pack that give you perm % bonus, nob, speakers, and a nice flag banner.

    Pure Spy - Build with all spy buildings.

    PvE - Player vs Environment (EB's)

    PvP - Player vs Player (wars, farming)

    Pwar - Plunder War



    Rage - To swear, talk in all caps, spam, complain, etc on someone's wall or forums.

    Reck - The Reckoning.

    Regen - Regenerate.

    Reset - To completely start your account over.

    Rester - Someone who resets constantly.

    Runner - Someone who quits a war and leaves. (Usually an osw)


    SB - Scout Bomb

    Scout Bomb - To lace someone with loads of scouts.

    Sct - Scout.

    SDP - Spy Defence Pots.

    Shoes - Steadfast Sollerets.

    Silenced - Someone who cannot talk for 24hrs (or longer if not perm in some cases) due to the fact they've committed a ToS infraction.

    Sit - To keep someone pinned.

    Skimming/Skim - To do 2 attacks and 3 assa every 5 mins.

    Spank - To farm / hit.

    Speaker - Item used to talk on wc. You get 5 free a day (limit of 25) or you can buy them for 1 nob.

    SS - Scionic Storm

    SR - Sporavek's Revenge.

    Stickied - Thread that remains at the top of a forum category.

    Stl - Steal.

    Strip - To hire someone's allies.

    Support - Has two meanings:
    1. Devs
    2. Used in support of a forum post.

    System War - A war that uses the mechanics and rules. This war has a timer, keeps track of hits and plunder, shows a roster, and awards mithril to the winners.


    T1 - Tier 1

    T2 - Tier 2

    T3 - Tier 3

    T4 - Tier 4

    T5 - Tier 5

    Target - A person(s) whom a clan is working on pinning.

    TBO - The Barren Orchard.

    TGL - The Gilded Lord.

    ToC - Talons of Carnage

    ToS - Terms of Service (same thing as ToU)

    ToU - Terms of Use (same thing as ToS)

    Tril/T - Trillion.

    Trinket - Torrent Talisman.

    Troll - Someone makes up of people, misleads people, gets off-topic, etc on the forums. Or wc.

    TT - Terrain Travails

    Turtle Build - A build with a **** load of towers.


    Udid - Essentially your iDevice's "ID". It contains info regarding your device and is used for device transfers. DO NOT SHARE THIS INFO.

    Upgrade - Enhance your stats.


    Volley - To hire and rehire and ally.


    War Clan - A clan who engages in wars frequently or are known for being great fighters. (Chiefly osw's)

    War Tax - Amount of gold taken away in war.

    Wc - World Chat

    World Chat - A global communication chatting area. There are two regions; North America, Australia, and the British Isles in one. Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Pacific/Indian Islands in another.


    Xstal/xtal - Crystal



    Thanks for reading! I hope you like this thread, I spent a long time making it. I'm sure I've forgotten loads stuff, so just post it below. And I'm also sure I've made a few grammar/spelling mistakes and possible some things aren't in alphabetical order. Feel free to point it out. Anyway...

    - Wake :D
  2. pretty good
  3. Lol nice. Hey what's the game Mv?
  4. Thanks :) took ages to make lol
  5. MV - Meegos Village. Another ATA game
  6. Brilliant, for somethin already done.
  7. I cant find it in app store why?
  8. nice way to do another thread already made!
  9. 1) didn't know dilly had a thread.
    2) this is more up to date.
  10. I saw the old one and was thinkingof making one good job though
  11. noone even mentioned dilly, seems u did know he had a thread ;)
  12. I bumped it pinkster
  13. oh haha good move, now die copycat thread!!!
  14. I cant find MV on App store :(
  15. Yet Slayerbob (nothing against you lol) didn't get bitched at when he remade Dilly's other thread..
  16. @pinky. This thread is way more current than Dillys. True it's similar in some ways, but it has lots of new additions.

    There is more than 1 hansel guide, more than 1 music thread, etc. I'm open for stuff that I've forgotten to add in to this. Please do not complain about this being like Dilly's, I've already explained multiple times how this is WAY more current.

    If you continue, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave my thread. Thanks.
  17. My name isn't on this?
    This dictionary is thus invalid and thus has no use and should be burned with more predetermined hatred than that of the Salem Witch Trials.

    On a serious note, not half bad.
  18. @jesus, if i posted on it i probably did bro ;)
  19. ok wake if u say so yayy hope for a sticky :)