Welcome to kaw new players! This forum guide will teach you the basics of how this game works and some pointers to make it a little more interesting.... Getting started: Color=purple]•first thing you are going to want to do is post in world chat and ask for a volley. •next, decide what kind of build you want to be(different builds have different pros and cons). •after you are done being volleyed begin exploring lands(suggest exploring at least 14 before constructing buildings). •once you have explored a decent amount of lands begin constructing buildings. •Keep in mind that if you sell buildings you will not receive the same amount you paid for them back. Make sure before buying them that you will actually need them![/color] Allies: Owning allies increases the amount of gold you make per each successful action; whether it is attacking a player or hitting an epic battle owning allies can dramatically increase your growth rate. •being you are a new player your allies will constantly be getting hired until you invest in a larger on. •if someone keeps hiring your allies just keep attacking them until they get the point :lol: •always make sure you have allies! Clans/Alliances Clans are a key way to grow and get help if needed, they also make a game a little more fun. •once you find a nice helpful and ACTIVE clan you may attack epic battles and/or fellow kaw players! •use the gold you are making to continue building your kingdom and hiring allies to get stronger and stronger! •if you are still unsure of what type of build you want ASK YOUR CLAN! that is what they are there for. •Now many new players want to create there own clan and go from there, feel free! But just understand that it is highly unlikely a really new player is going to make a highly successful clan. It will most likely only stun your growth. Equipment Equipment is a permanent bonus that can increase your attack, spy attack, defense, and/or spy defense. •it can be either won from dropping randomly from epic battles,winning it from war, or purchasing with mithril. •It is extremely important! Especially if you enjoy attacking epic battles or players that may be a little stronger then you. WAR! There are several different types of war each having their own pros and cons. OSW(off system war)- an off system war is when one clan(sometimes multiple) attack other clans. The only real bonus to this is defending your clans reputation and punishing the enemy! System war-A system war is a war when a clan declares war on another clan. Basically once the war starts your clan attacks the enemies and whoever's clan makes the most plunder at the end wins! EE WAR-an ee war is practically the same as a system war. Only differences is your clan signs up and fights a random clan. The winning clans will win mithril(type of game currency used to purchase rare equipment or enchant it) and estoc edge( increases plunder on each successful attack for a limited time). Every so often there will be tournaments to win limited edition equipment! commonly used vocabulary and abbreviations Like most games there are some abbreviations used and vocabulary you may not understand... Volley-hiring someone back and fourth between multiple players to give them gold. Eb(epic battle)- sort of like a campaign for you and your clan to do to earn gold. Hnr-hit and run (meaning a player is on the game off and on continuously). EE-estocs edge(a spell won from warring that increases plunder for a limited time). Farming-attacking a player 3 or more times(most of the community it is frowned upon but it is your game do what you want!) Alt-an alt is a second account of a player(usually smaller then the players main account) Strip-stripping a player is when you hire all of the players allies and attack them to take their money away(commonly used when the player is sleeping). I apologize for any bbcode errors, did this on Iphone
Good thread for newbies !!! But u seriously :roll: had the time, patience and energy for doing a thread on an iPhone. :geek:
Pretty good I would have double checked type as I see a few like how you tried to make it purple :lol:
Well good guide how to make it purple is Instead of purple (what you did) Type in violet it's the same thing crayola named violet purple.