KAW needs a mage class. For players who like to war its become almost all about the hansel build type. For player war could be more fun n harder if a mage were put in to pin spies, troops to pin mage, spy pin troops. War build would change. Now i know this has been said before n no one thinks devs will do it but has any one pointed out that they can make more money of this with new equip n packages to buy plus more xtrals being sold from more peps wanting to war. Now to all the hansel im about to get hated on from i to have an alt thats a hansel i just want to make war more strategic
Realboy, let me compare it to pokémon. In pokémon: fire<water<earth<fire<water etc In ops update: troops<spies<mage<troops etc
Goodness me. Devs can't get current mechanics right without adding another variable. Don't need a Mage class to counter GH. They just need to munt GH. Problem solved. No magic needed.
I agree with Giskard's remarks. The devs need to nerf the GH advantage or at least attenuate it. The answer is not in adding another build.
Please take us through how it will be more strategic... Adding fries to your order doesn't make it more strategic.
@giskard incorrect. Adding fries to my order gives me more projectiles to throw at my enemy during the upcoming food fight. Therefor I have an added choice of going with the initial burger to the face or doing a shock and awe scenario launching fries from across the room
With three types clans would have to try n get a bit of all three. Player would have to try n Mach up better or work in batter groups to pin
UndeadJester, I like your idea in theory. Have three troop types (troops/spies/Mage) to counter balance each other is a generally good idea in most games. The problem: 1. As giskard stated, it's already difficult for the devs to find and close "exploits" using the current system. 2. It simply makes the game even more complicated with added troops, buildings, stats etc. Simply put, you have a better chance of having the devs create a whole new game, which is essentially what you'll be doing
Maybe we should just get 15 different types. Think of the strategy then. Mixing a clan would be the ultimate app then. Trying to balance the lands with so many different buildings to find the perfect mechanics. Really no need to stop at mage. Maybe some kind of dragon as a power house. Something to think about.
Yo i want a batman class too!and have a army of batmans smacking people with batrangs n ****. And dont get me started on the superman class!
Yes and dwarves! And each class could have a special power. That can be used at like 10% so people would unload and buy crystals to get more powers. That way devs get more money and we get a much more in depth war experience