KaW League

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MrToco, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. Hello fellow players. If you're anything like me, you'll have been really enjoying following the summer wars, speculating on results and strategies, and participating wherever possible.
    Firstly, I'd like to commend dev's for setting this up, it's a great idea and really revitalised the rwar aspect of the game.
    Secondly, I personally know lots of friends from the game who for various reasons, struggle to commit to 24hr wars, and wanted to offer a suggestion to include these people a little more. I'd welcome thoughts and comments.

    I thought it would be good to make use of the shorter versions of wars in a league format consisting of tiers of leagues (1st, 2nd, 3rd) with promotions and relegations between seasons. I think this would work much better using a smaller clan limit, and critically, a matched number of members (possibly operating from bespoke clans set up purely for league). This would be less disruptive as 2-3hr long wars (would fit into rl much easier).

    I appreciate this would be very difficult to arrange, and there's lots of detail in the organisation missing, but would be interested to see if there's any support for the idea?
  2. 
  3. Only 2-3 hrs?? Everyone pin themselves, later 0 plunder for both teams? Is there draw game, or extra time? Or penalty shoot out?
  4. Lol, fair comment Martin, although in most of the wars I've been in, both sides manage to gain plunder from the start regardless of how well they self pin
  5. The issue I see is on the time zone. My most active 2-3 hours might be your sweetest dreams. 
  6. Support, like a pair of special pants, for a special toco friend who is sexy
  7. It's a rubbish idea but as your my buddy I'll support it. Mt
  8. Only jokin. It's a great idea. I was thinking about this sort of thing a while ago. But on a more compulsive setting where all clans have to involve themselves.
  9. Support for Mr T but with a defiant twist... Those that sign up for this short war also loose ability to pin so now dtw for duration 
  10. Spammer
    Level 5
    Awarded by KaW forum community
    This achievement is only given to the most noobish of the noobs who fill the active topics board with useless spam. Only a handful of the KaW community get this achievement. You should feel so stupid and noobish.
  11. I support shorter wars but it does come with its own disadvantages. Timing of the war of course is the biggest since KAW involves players worldwide. If someone has a suggestion to circumvent this, I'm all ears. I do think that we are depriving the small to mid size stat players of the action. I think there should be similar wars for these players.
  12. I'd support shorter wars if the devs changed the pin mechanics for them.

    I'd like to see you open for hits/spy actions until your troops/spies are 0'd. That would theoretically eliminate any "hitting from pin"
  13. The short format was aimed at allowing people who can't commit long periods to war. I agree there's difficulties with time zones and think defiant and maloks ideas on pin mechanics are awesome. I'd just like to see these people who can't join the longer wars have the chance to compete for something similar to the weekend wars (and weekends are tough for parents especially)
  14. @crow, seriously, just shut up please. Stop using other peoples ideas and learn to get some imagination -_- it was a clever idea yes, but leave it for silver to smile about since he used it
  15. Like it but agree with defiant, measures need to be taken to prevent self-pinning. Maybe implement plunder target instead - eg first to 5b wins. It will force pple to go aggressive and optimize use of resources.
  16. Yeah I like the idea of a target plunder, like a sprint. And yes remove the DTW , make people come out of hiding 
  17. Ps Crow, you are an epic ball bag tail end muppet. Nuff said
  18. Support but maybe like 5-6 hours