Kaw Isn't a War Game Anymore

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IxXxl___xREDx_xPANDAx___IxXxl, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. I know, most of you will say "You're not a respected forumer, so don't post stuff that nobody cares about." This is a really dumb thing that I encountered with a guy that I hit on the BL a few times. He then say " You messed up" I then reply "Messed Up? On what? The SATs?
    He then strips me of my allies that I didn't care about.
    So, I ask him to a simple 1v1 osw. He replies:


    He says he doesn't know what it is but he'll do it.
    He doesn't know what it is, but he agrees to "just you and me"

    So he says just you and me, then he obviously doesn't like me hitting him and complains to his clan about me hitting him in an osw 1v1.


    I was tired with this 1v1 with someone getting help from his clannies, so I call a cf.
    He then asks me what an osw is! I then give up on him, and continue with my life. This stuff bothers me, as this game is called Kingdoms At WAR!!! 75% of Kaw players don't know what a osw or cf is. I find this annoying that EBs are such a big part of the game. Five me your opinion on this topic of EBs taking over Kaw.
    See Y'all Later!
  2. That's sad :cry:
    In other news I just stripped by 1v1 opponent :)
  3. :lol: :lol: :lol: kaw not a war game anymore did u just find that out :lol: :lol: LMAO !!
  4. Does he knows what an osw is? If so, look on the bright side! You're warring a player that actually knows what it means!
  5. Well… clans exist to defend their members. I'm not justifying his actions, as he was pretty noobish, but again, clans exist to defend their members from excessive attacking (I got bored of the word "farming").

    Accepting a 1 vs. 1 and then calling in help is cowardice, though.
  6. That also depends on his stats. Given that he's probably new (I hope) and small stats, he may have had not been taught enough.

    I know, if I had taught a newb, the first things he'd learn was ally plunder. Then, war strategy and some KaW slang terms.
  7. Same size as me, maybe a bit bigger.
  8. Reserved
  9. I'd tell him to read kaw dictionary thread
  10. KaW hasn't been a war game for awhile now...
  11. I know, it's just it bugs me people don't even know what a simple osw is!
  12. You should have mad it clear to him what exactly he was agreeing to. Hes stupid enough to not know what an osw was i wouldnt be surprised if he didnt know what 1v1 meant either.
  13. He didn't homedawg, he said so in the ss
  14. He brought in his clannies after he agreed to 1v1 osw
  15. You should have made him an OSF ._.
  16. Yeah, i just skimmed through the ss's
    How big is he? Maybe i'll take him and his clan to the grave.
  17. OP has no spy defense pots.

    Just saying...
  18. :lol: look at the noob fire on my wall....

    Umm just wondering. What exactly does having strict parents say about someone and their "nooby-ness" I'm pretty sure nothing :lol:
  19. @homedawg

    This guy is too small for me, so WAY too small for you.
  20. @MGK his clan used all my def spy pots, that's all they did was stl, assa, and sct.