KAW is dying (Solution / Banter)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by llIlII_Daddys-Princess_llIIlI, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. Intro:

    I want to start this thread out with saying how much i have enjoyed this game during the moments of time i have played it in the past and i don't want to see it die. You can try to deny it all you want but the end is coming and it's coming soon. There are many reasons for this, the main reason being that this game is simply not fun for new players. It takes forever for new players to get the hang of this game, and when they realize that they are never going to get anywhere close to the players that have put in so much time and possibly money into this game they give up trying. It is essential that games have influxes of new players, but also be able to keep old ones as well. Another reason this game is dying is the soul reason that it has become purely buy to win. want the best items? Spend loads of cash on xtals and go crazy on seasonal events. Do you want decent enchants, not getting aqua drops? Spend more money and buy xtals. Ect ect, you all get it.


    Thess are just my opinions of how this game can once again thrive and be fun.
    1. Give our players more events (that you dont have to pay to take advantage of) yeah cool, you gave us 100% plunder on HTE for the weekend but you have to buy HTE and that's just ridiculous. Yes i know you probably made loads of money on seal sales, but please.
    2. MASS RESET.(I know you'll lose money and time, I have spent my share of money on this game as well.) Give players something in return that doesn't give a stat advantage with reset. Possibly every 1mill cs they gain, give them 200 nobility. This is honestly what i want to see the most. Reset every ones stats and items back to zero. It's as simple as that. I know you all have put a lot into your accounts but this needed.
    3. Fix primals.. Make teams sign up with 25 people. Pick 15 out of those 25 with the closest stat ranges and give the others that werent chosen to war vanquished paladins. (I'm pretty upset after just getting matched up with a team that had 400 mill cs on us. haha)
    4. Give players that actually like to interact with other players and give them an ally bonus equal to eb's when attacking or stealing from enemy kingdoms. This will help OSW's and people who pvp.

    I wold like to hear all the rest of your opinions on how you think this game should be fixed.

    -Mrs Meowingtons
  2. Not just no, Hell No.
  3. possible con to the reset - everyone quits and kaw dies
  5. Ya no, what made this game fun was growing along with other players. And that isn't the only option I gave. Be constructive ^~^.
  6. Nobody will be pissed about having all their money wasted, and all of their hard work thrown away.
  7. I support Solution 1 and 4! More events to increase eb plunder without paying for it looks like a great idea, it will greatly help out non-spenders (if they're crazy active :p )

    It would also bring in an advantage for pvp players to plunder more than usual!

    No support to Solution 2 though. Mass reset means all the entire progress, time, energy and effort put into that account from the player will be lost! Yikes!
  8. Mass reset...  No.

    And.. Sigh -.- Look, I'm about to get my 6 year badge in a week. I haven't been here the whole time, but I definitely remember the old days. The game isn't dying. The end isn't soon. Yes, it's a lot slower, a lot more unbalanced, and there's a lot more complaining, especially in comparison to its peaks. But doomsday isn't barreling down on us.

    They've been saying it's the end since 2010. I still don't believe it. That said, there are issues that are really hurting, and I'd love to see the, fixed with all haste. But quit the "end is nigh" stuff.

    Apologies for any incoherentness. I like absinthe. 
  9. The reset is a bit much lol, however.

    Yes this game is clearly dying, but they don't care they are too busy with their new game. Hey they still make 1-3m dollars before apple gets it's cut (monthly) I know this because I read an interview. This has been their biggest game and basically what got them were they are yet, they are letting it die. Why? They don't need it anymore it seems or maybe they are too blind. The number of players has decreased drastically. The war side of the game is complete trash. The eb side is complete trash too. If you osw you get left way behind. The only way they will do something is if people actually stop paying or if everyone just doesn't log in for a while day.
  10. where could one find that interview?
  11. If I had $100 for every "kaw is dying thread," I would be able to buy a child labor slave to make my clothing and prepare my daily meals.
  12. http://www.adweek.com/socialtimes/a-thi ... aki/515823

    This is a direct quote from that link above.

    "IN: While you don’t have to report your earnings, is there anything you can share with us?

    KA: If you’re a top tier developer on the iPhone, you will make between $1 to $3 million dollars a month before Apple’s cut. We’re a top tier developer on the iPhone."
  13. my account is proof of this. lol.
  14. If I had $100 for every ignorant player that doesn't believe it's dying id be a lot richer than you.
  15. You, and me both cheese.

    P.S.- I'm not THAT ignorant...
  16. So the whole mass reset thing, you understand how much money some people have put into there accounts, me not being one of them, but some have put enough in to put 3 kids through college
  17. Same things going to happen if they're one of 300 active players on kaw haha.
  18. Sigh. Look OP, this game is still actively played by thousands upon thousands of players, big, small. Talkative, silent, paying, free, complaining, enjoying, etc, etc.

    And at least the devs are doing something. They probably should be doing different things, but do you remember when they did nothing? The dark days when we never heard a peep?
  19. If you think this game is anywhere close to dead you were not around for FC