KaW Hall of Fame

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by l_Shad_I, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. The KaW Hall of Fame

    At the end of every year, 4-5 players will be chosen by the players to have their accounts be put into KaW's "Hall of Fame" and will have their names placed in a special area where they will be remembered, admired, and among the KaW greats. They, also, will receive benefits.

    Benefits/Special Rewards

    The newly chosen KaW Hall of Famers will receive:
    -A special badge.
    -A new, permanent chat name color.
    -3 Xtals, 30 Nobility
    (You guys think of other prizes)

    How would this vote work?

    At the end of the year, each KaW player that has had an account active for over 5 months will be given an interface in which they put in the names of 4-5 players that they feel deserve to be placed into the KaW Hall of Fame. Then the votes will be tallied by KaW and the winners will be announced and their names, and stats such as battle wins and stats (and even notable achievements such as overall rank), will be placed into the KaW Hall of Fame.

    Hopefully this thread reaches two pages...
  2. If this isn't a troll than I totally support this idea/event/troll!
  3. WOW.
    1.This is an idea not been put in place yet. COW
    2. It will be a KISS ASS contest after the 1st few are chosen and most likely won't be kept up with.

    If it was already put in place then DEVS would have announced it through KAW_ADMIN, KAW, or KAW_COMMUNITY. OR MODS. THIS IS JUST A PENDING IDEA FOR NOW.
  4. I have no chance of being in this hall of fame so I have no supportî„…
  5. Have the devs approved this?
  6. i don't approve of a popularity contest.
  7. No, just an idea.
  8. But we have valiant knights. There are way more VK'sthat havent been noticed. Influence the devs to continue to notice players and that should be enough.

    Great idea though!
  9. U said u would get an achievement badge, but they hant approved it so no support. Sry
  10. Valiant Knight :roll:
  11. I approve of OMEGA's message.
  12. I like the idea, sounds delightful i support <3
  13. Note: This is like Valiant Knights but is different in the way that the solely the players choose and it is a look into the past, present, and future players while Valiant Knight only looks at the present.
  14. No support
  15. No support. The people who win will just be the top people on the leaderboard.

    Have a nice day.

    ~ Ghost
  17. Players do not deserve to choose.

    Might as well label this "Prom Queen and King".

    No support at all for a popularity contest. This it what KaW tried to prevent with the VK achievement. Players did not choose theh only gave mere opinions.
  18. I highly dislike (not hate) popularity contests.
  19. If you're going to say no support please give a reason.

    Don't be a post count farmer like chubby.

    I kind of support this, it should be done by the deva like the valiant knight achievement for reasons that KZ stated.