KaW Group Chats

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Krezqoo, May 30, 2017.

  1. I think we should be allowed to make a group chat in kaw , besides ac , cc , and pm group chats will help a lot so we won't have to keep going back and forth pming 5-10 people spreading the same message.. Just an little idea
  2. I Agree with said quote. It would make things much easier ?
  3. This would help for chats outside of clan chats, but that are used for massive councils and such in major clans where there is 7 different clans runned by one group. Not everyone has the capability to use outside messaging aps, so this would be a good thing to ad, great idea
  4. Would be a great feature for the devs to create. Would eliminate the need for Line groups and other third party apps.
  5. I agree with Krezqoo, great idea. And holy cow, I agree with PQ too…
  6. I like this idea! It'd make it so much easier to send ads out to clan members.
  7. Omg such an original and thought out idea. 10/10 best of
  8. Actually a good idea, I support!
  9. Yes I absolutely agree  we need this cause it actually is quite annoying going back & forth! Spread the word
  10. Support this idea 100%
  11. I also think it would be a good idea
  12. Dude you need a get a life outside of posting on every single thread every single day. It's sad dude. Sad and pathetic.
  13. Good idea.
  14. Did you just assume my gender

    Edit: also to post on every thread is impossible because there are dozens of locked ones :lol:
  15. No need to be a knob about it. It's a good idea, who gives one if its been posted before?
  16. Word .
  17. Bionicbaby
  18. Brilliant idea I support!