KaW for kids or not

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 80Aron, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. Are kaw for kids or not comment
  2. it's a 9 plus game.
  3. It would seem it's market should be for teenagers
  4. It's for 2 year olds
  5. 13 now Deadly, unless they changed it back
  6. Really? i keep hearing both.
  7. Yeah it went up awhile ago I don't think they changed it back
  8. I KaW for kids.
    Thats why I keep hitting EB's, I'm hoping for kids to drop.
  9. It's moderated like a 6+ game.
  10. Personal opinion? I think they'd need to be a mature kid to play.. As the games got worse from when i started..
  11. If your name isn't on the credit card you shouldn't play any online game. Just my opinion
  12. Just shut up and let me play KaW
  13. Stfu and get of the forums
  14. @ PaintBoy - Nobody was stopping you from doing so.
  15. OP I am tired of seeing your useless threads! #Spam
  16. This is definitely not a game kids should be playing
  17. I say 13 is reasonable but then again even that to young.
  18. It's still rated as a 9 game. And needs to be moderated as if. Regardless of people's personal opinions.
  19. @Fryis86 - This isn't twitter.