KaW for Dummies ~ A Comprehensive New Player Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ErichsonDehnabolt, Mar 29, 2013.

  1. Welcome and Purpose

    Beginning Well

    Basic Builds

    How Do I Make Gold?

    Epic Battles

    Allies and Plunder



    Comments and Suggestions
  2. Welcome

    Welcome to the world of Kingdoms at War (KaW). We are glad you are here and hope you enjoy the experience. We want you to know how to play. This is my attempt to help you with that. I am not trying to answer every question. Others have done that better. I am just trying to give you the best possible start.

    When I started playing, I got in over my head and had no clue what I was doing. I was just randomly attacking players hoping to figure out the game. Well, those same players were attacking me back and I was getting pretty frustrated and wondered if they were too. I went to the Forums looking for help and found nothing. Eventually, I found a clan and that saved me. The clan I found helped me grow and within seven days, I was leading it. I made lots of mistakes and taught my players some mistakes I made. We learned from them and came up with some solutions and rules for new players. I am still training new players. That is my story and I want your story to be better. This guide is written to help you play well.
  3. Purpose:

    Purpose #1 ~ KaW is a game in which you build your kingdom into the strongest possible kingdom.

    The way people define that is very different. Some want to be the strongest possible Epic Battle warriors. Others want to be the strongest possible in 1 vs. 1 battles. Others want to be the strongest possible in wars. While still others seem to want to be the strongest possible clan member and friend to those in their clan. While still other seem to want to be the strongest possible helper of others. You have to define what making your kingdom great means.

    However, you decide to play the game, rememeber to please enjoy it and feel free to ask any of us for help. We want to help you. KaW is a community experience. You will form friendships here and meet people from across the world.
  4. Terms of Use:
    Second, I will be defining terms as we go. If you have questions about what terms mean, please respond by asking and I will make corrections. I want real feedback from real new or old players. If this guide helped you, please, post on the bottom. That keeps this manual fresh and allows it to be read by others. Recommend it to other new players with questions. Make suggestions on what I can add or change and I will try to do that to the best of my ability.
  5. Please Remember:
    Third, this guide is for new players. That is for players who have been playing for a week or less. If you have been here longer than a week, this might not be an ideal guide for you. I have specialized for the last 90 days in running a clan that helps new players. So, I consider myself experienced in this area. New players will not find this on their own. They need people to point them this direction. Recommend it to them and tell me what I need to put on here to answer their questions.
  6. Major Point to Remember as Your Play:
    Fourth, there are different kinds of players. At some point you need to define which one you will be. Do you want to basically grow your kingdom and kind of play SimKaW? Or do you want to be the warrior supreme? Or do you want to travel around helping those weaker than you? All of these are options in the KaW universe. You can make this game fun for you. Even if you want to argue with people, there are ways to do that (it is often called trolling). This game is fun and maybe a little too addictive : )
  7. Double Spacer
  8. Triple Spacer

  10. Please Quit Screwing with this Forum ~ I was hoping to come back and add information on each page ~ instead you are ruining my attempt to help new players.
  11. Erich just ask a mod to delete the post we made