kaw farming and eb fairys

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -X-Mc-RENZ-X-, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. To start off kaw is less of a war game with these ebs don't get me wrong there great but people just do them and don't hit other players

    And partly little people hit others or bl is that they call for help or the whole clan jumps in and farms them till they say sorry

    It's a war game why do they have to say sorry for doing what this game is ment for hitting

    Sorry for no colours and other stuff on my ipad just wanna hear your thoughts on this topic
  2. some people do EB only. Others simply grow off the BL. Still, others do a combination of both. Why do you care? Just play how you want to. Its easy, and if you can't find an opponent to fight you, "you're doing it wrong"

    The smallest among us fight the hardest. If you're new to this game, and you have little stats, you get hits from random players CONSTANTLY. As for being farmed by a clan, depending on the clan,mthere are things you can do, if you know your game mechanics.

    some players require an apology because terms for a CF need to be made, and an apology is gratifying. It means one person won and the other person lost.
    my thoughts are "play the game however you wish, and dont worry about what others here do. Relax. This game is what you make it out to be
  3. Hmm interesting I'm just starting to war on this acc but being an EB fairy has its rewards ya know ;)
  4. What is there to discuss?
  5. I agree farming is awesome srry for statless alt but main is dwad
  6. Lol moose what do you think about this
  7. I'd like to hear his position on EE Warriors....
  8. Ee wars are good gives a chance for peeps to kinda understand war unless u go up against an very good strong ee war clan
  9. Hey, keep adding lands and buildings to give LB a ridiculous lead... More players will move towards EBs to try and catch up
  10. Ebs good for the small people but what about Hlbc or people 2-3mill there still farming ebs
  11. Op is active in an eb right now
  12. You have RPL tags
    RPL is in OSW
    You aren't in RPL
    You make thread complaining about no war.
    You probs ran from RPL ML war.  makes No sense
  13. If I had a penny for every time someone writes a thread about this I would have ATLEAST 100 dollars by now....

    Not everyone wants pvp and not everyone wants pve...

    This game accommodates both.. It's up to the player what they want to do.. I hit battle list all the time I hit ebs all the time...

    So am I a farmer or eb fairy....

    Perhaps a fairy farmer... Lol


    Fairys vs farmers the epic battle...
    Bees are farmers they farm.. Aphurians skeletal fairys don't like this......

    Dramatic fight ..... Between ebs and farming

    Happy kawing
  14. Check your wall and see you asked cf from ML. And you make a thread about war. Just reset now  noob
  15. No I left RPL to go in ig and I wanted to keep RPL and ml osw out from ig civil war and my main was fighting in RPL and was in ig
  16. So ig is in war and your complaining about no war ????? Dear god you are digging a hole
  17. That's osw I'm talking about pvp
  18.  OSW IS PVP
  19. Osw is clan vs clan I'm talking about no clans involved
  20. 1v1s also happen all the time I don't see what your point is now...