KaW Dictionary

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Xx-Blue-xX2, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. The KaW Dictionary


    -Active/Inactive: How often you play KaW
    -Alt: An alternative account. Quite often they have a different build to your main.
    -Allies: You hire an ally to boost plunder.
    -ATA: A Thinking Ape, inc. The company that made this game.


    -B2B: Back to back.
    -Bump: Bumping a thread to the top of active topics
    -Butthurt: Getting upset or offended by something another user has done. Usually an attack or a comment.
    -Bypass: Modify a word. ie. Horse-H0r5e


    -Clan: A group of members that you do ebs and wars with.
    -CS: Combined stats.
    -CA: Clan announcement. Owners of clans and admins tell you what to do in them.


    -DTW: Defender too weak.
    -Dev: ATA developer. Works, creates, modifies and improves the game.


    -EB: Epic battles. Battles you do with your clan.


    -Farm: Hit the same person 5 or more times in 24 hours.
    -Filter: It censors curse words with an asterisk '*'



    -HLBC: High land build complete. Built a building on every land.
    -Hire: The act to get allies.


    -IRL: In real life. Not used as much as RL.



    -K: Thousand. Used before cs to mean so many thousand cs.


    -LB: Leader board. The strongest players are on here.
    -LLBC: Low land build complete. Built buildings on every land in the low lands.


    -Mith: Mithrill. Won from wars and used to enchant your kingdom with strong spells.
    -Mod: Moderator: Someone that volunteers their time to keep the game clean.


    -Noob: A new player AKA. Newb


    -OSW: Off system war. A war with no rules an no time limits.
    -OSF- Open Secret Farm. Also known as an Open Spy Farm.


    -Perm: Someone who is permently in that clan
    -Pin: To assassinate a player until it says DTW then keep them at it.
    -Plunder: Money you earn from a war or an eb.
    -Pwar: A war meant for growth.
    -Pots: Potions. They are used to gain more strength ad can be used for certain stages in ebs.



    -RL: Real life.


    -Strip: To strip a players allies then attack and take gold they now have after you bought their allies.
    -Stats: How strong a player is.
    -System War: A war that has a time limit and made public in wc.
    -Spam: Post 3 or more of the same message within 5 minutes, it is also illegal.


    -Troll: To post a message that hasn't been thought through in hope to anger, frustrate or sadden another player.


    -Unload: To use all of your troops in an attack.


    -Volley: To rapidly hire one player, needs more than one player to do.





    I am sorry I don't have one for everything.

  2. CI- clan info
    DTS- defender to strong
  3. Post ones that aren't in here on as well 
  4. Not many definitions in there... :?
  5. IMO- in my opinion
    TL;DR-lazy didn't read
    Bank- bank your money into attack pots or Spy attack pots
    BFA-Bonus from allies

    Hansel- a build consisting of all spy buildings with the exception of 1-3 attack builds, hansels need really large BFA to become LB
  6. Sticky... If on computer so you can modify with new definitions. It would help noob know what stuff means!!
  7. I'm not on computer
  8. BL- battle list
    TLDR- Too lazy didn't read
    AC- allied chat
    CC- clan chat
  9. Sorry for the 3 different posts, iPod cut off first and second one, then died so had to use my phone
  10. WC: World chat
  11. That's ok thx smilez I could only think of so many at the time
  12. Nice idea but we already have a kaw dictionary! It is stickied in other kaw discussion section I believe!
  13. Oh I didn't know that whoops
  14. Yea his is way better -_-
  15. I bumped it for you! It has lot more detail and very great descriptions.
  16. Merc- someone who is called in to help finish WARS, not epic battles
  17. Thanks pres
  18. Newb and Noob are two different things sir.
  19. & - Ampersand: Elusive sign that cuts off posts on forum. Unless your a Boss.

    Also see + (addition or plus sign)
  20. Did you know dillybar has already made one of these, with tons of detail, and its stickied. Before you make a thread, check no one else has beat you to it.