KAW detailed guide for complete beginners who have no idea what to do and what each button is for. This is a guide For PC players (iDevice players have very similar buttons) www.KingdomsAtWar.com First thing i want to say is that i'm sure i have a lot of spelling, grammer, punctuation, and other mistakes and i'm typing on iPod. English is my second language so please understand. There might be some information mistakes too and some info that i left out. So don't hate me. Feel free to correct me. I give permision to any moderator to edit and change this post. If you don't know what's the point of having allies, then please read Allies part for sure because allies are your biggest source of income. QUICK TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1a. Profile Page 1b. Nobility 2a. Kingdom 2b. Battle 2c. Quests 2d. Clan 2e. Allies 2f. Supplies 2g. Alchemist 2h. Mage 2i. Oracle 3a. Epic Battle 3b. Friends 3c. News 4a. World Chat 4b. Clan Chat 4c. Allies Chat 5. Additional info on how beginners make quick gold in few EBs without attacking 5a. Origins 5b. The Haunting 5c. No Mans Land 1. On left top corner you have your user name, ammount of gold, nobility number, number in red circle is how many permanent items you did not equip yet, number of soldiers and spies available. 1a. If you click on your user name it will show you your profile page where you can see your stats under the flag indicated as Ally Bonuses. Under that you can see some Achievements that you have such as being active for 90 days, spy level 2, etc. On that page u can see your Hire Value, your current Owner, Clan that you are in, Title that clan owner or admin gave you, how many Quests you completed, how many Battles you Won and Lost, Max Plunder Bonus. Then the tabs are: your Wall where people send you messages (to reply them click on their name and write on their wall, not yours) if you scroll all the way down you will see Reset button to reset your account to beginner, your Stats in detail, Equipment that you won in the epic battles that give permanent items (you have to click on Equip for your equipment to be active), Following people who you are following (by going on someone's profile and clicking Follow to become contacts and chat), and Followers are people who are following you. 1b. NOBILITY are points that you can buy with real money or earn them in quests. Nobility lets you change your user name, you can buy a clan, you can convert nobility into speakers, you can convert them in gold, or you can use them to regenerate your army. 2. Then still on the left side you can see Kingdom, Battle, Quests, Clan, Allies, Supplies, Alchemist, Mage, and Oracle. 2a. KINGDOM - Kingdom is where you explore lands and build buildings on them. You can choose to build Attack buildings or Spy buildings. If you choose to build more attack buildings, you will be stronger in attacking than in spying. You can upgrade castle to unlock Alchemist and Mage. Your stats rise when you upgrade castle (both, attack stats and spy stats). You cannot undo it or sell it. You can sell only your buildings that you built. You get partial refund when you sell a building. There are 2 maps. Both have 25 slots. To unlock second map you have to have all lands bought on first map (don't need buildings on them). Some people choose to reset after they complete first map to get bonuses. 2b. BATTLE - Battle is where you can find online or recently online users that are your size. You can choose to attack them or spy on them. I personally do not recommend attacking or spying on other users because most likely it will bring you trouble and they will attack back. More than 5 times attack/spy on the same user is considered as FARMING. 2c. QUESTS - You can do quests to earn gold, nobility points, and crystals. Crystals are used to regenerate your army. Use it wisely because when you really need them and you spent them on just useless things, you'll be sad like me that i could have used those crystals now when i need them to get Billions, but i spent them on quests, etc. just for few million. So save your crystals when you have big stats and when you get stuck in need for army. You can purchase crystals for real money too. When you complete all quests and you still keep doing them, you still get nobility points. 2d. CLAN - Clan is a group that you can join and fight in wars or epic battles together with the players that are in that clan. 1 Clan can have 100 members. On Clan page you can see View Epic Battle. If you click on it, it will take you to the epic battle in progress. Clan Info page is where you can see the information about your clan. There are also buttons like Edit Info and Disable or Enable Joining (if you are clan admin or owner) and Leave Clan. Members button takes you to list of all members in the clan. Only admins and owner can Manage each member. Applicants button will show you who applied to join your clan, but is not accepted yet. Only admins and owner can see this and accept or reject. War History is where you can see history of most recent wars that your clan had. Epic History is where you can see history of recent Epic Battles. Rival Clans is list of clans about your clan's size. 2e. ALLIES - Allies are other players that you hire/buy to help you be stronger. Each player should have at least 1 ally. Ally gives you Allies Bonus gold when you attack someone or when you attack in an epic battle. You should be at Maximum Allies Bonus so that you get the maximum ammount of gold possible. Allies are very important part of your income. As you upgrade your buildings, your stats grow, so does your Allies Bonus. Each time you upgrade, you should volley (have somebody buy your ally and you buy him back) your ally to make sure you are at Maximum Allies Bonus. As a beginner, in my experiance, choose 1 ally that you'd like to keep until your stats reach millions and volley that 1 ally each time you upgrade or buy a building. To prevent someone from hiring your ally, choose ally that has zero stats because no one is interested in inactive player. Once you are rich and ready to move on, you can drop that ally if no one buys him from you and buy active ally with good stats. When you drop an ally, you get 70% of his hire value back (not full refund). When you click on Allies button you will see your hired allies. On that page on right top corner you will see Hire More Allies. There you can search for allies by cost. You can enter minimum and maximum ammount of gold. 2f. SUPPLIES - Supplies are potions/items that you can purchase to boost your strength while attacking or protection if someone attacks you. Some specific potions are used in epic battles. Attack potions, if purchased, you can use while attacking. Defense potions cannot be used while attacking. They are to protect you from an enemy. If someone attacks you, most likely they will not be successful so you will not lose any gold, but you will lose one of each defense potions. Spy Attack potions can be used while Scouting, Assassinating, or Stealing from someone or in an epic battle. Sply Defense potions work same as Attack Defense potions. They protect you if someone spies on you. Permanent items are items that you won such as when you reset. Other button is where you can see how many Speakers and Health Crystals you have. 2g. ALCHEMIST - To unlock Alchemist you have to have first map completed and you have to upgrade your castle to level 2. Alchemist uses mithril (won in wars) to cast spells. Stats tab lets you activate spells to boost your strength that lasts certain ammount of hours. Abillities tab has options to hide allies on your profile and Unholy Aura gives 50% chance to make enemy kingdom lose 100% more gold from your successful attacks and steals. Items tab is still empty. Other tab lets you change your username to certain colors. 2h. MAGE - You must upgrade your castle to level 3 before you can unlock it. Castle 3 upgrade requires castle 2 upgrade and 12 lands explored on second map. Mage is used to enchant your permanent equipment that you won in certain epic battles. Only some items can be enchanted. To enchant equipment you have to have required items to enchant them for the strength to go up. Sometimes the enchanting doesn't work and the equipment is reset to its original stats. Aqua and Inferno are used to enchant equipment. They are rewarded in certain epic battles such as Figure of Death. 2i. ORACLE - Oracle shows you how many nobility points and health crystals you have. It shows how much gold you can buy by converting nobility points. You can get full army regen for 10 nobility points or 1 health crystal. You can change your name using 20 nobility points. Oracle offers you pro packs that you can purchase using real money. 3. On top right corner you can see Search box and 2 buttons beside it to search for either a User or a Clan. Under that you will see a box with active/incoming war or epic battle. Under that you will see list of Friends and News. 3a. If your clan has active EPIC BATTLE (EB) that you can successfully attack or spy in it, that's where the gold comes from. If you are attacking and sometimes you are successful, sometimes not, then use those attack or spy attack potions. First try few lower priced ones, if you are still defeated, try more expensive pots. If you activate in an epic battle, don't worry about your gold, the epic battle beast doesn't attack you back. Your clan has to finish an epic battle before the time runs out. If you lose, you will not get any rewards or gold. You get it only when you win the epic battle. For complete Epic Battles guide go to Forums > Strategy > Epic Battles (PVE) 3b. Friends list shows you people that you are following and they are following you. That means you can have private conversations. If you are following someone, but he/she is not following you, you cannot have private chat until they follow you back. You can block other members from sending you messages and you can unblock them. 3c. In News you can see most recent news such as who attacked you, who joined your clan, who left, who bought your ally, epic battle updates, payout info after epic battle and so on. 4. In the middle from the top you will see some links such as forums, link iphone, etc. The middle of the KAW page shows you what you have clicked on. If you clicked your name it will show you your profile, if you clicked on View Epic Battle it will show you epic battle page, etc. On the bottom you will see 3 buttons with chat window. World, Clan, Allies. 4a. World chat is chat where everyone sends messages and can see other's messages in World Chat (WC). It's mostly advertising chat. To send a message on WC it costs 1 speaker. If you play on iDevice, you get 5 free speakers daily (max 25). If you are PC user you don't get free speakers. You are not allowed to talk inappropriate or you will be silenced. 3rd silence is permanent. You can get silenced by posting more than 2 same messages at once. Have 5 minutes gap if you are advertising same message. On top of WC you can see World Announcement that costs 26 speaker for 1 post. 4b. Clan chat (CC) is only where your clan members can chat. On top of CC you can see Clan Announcement (CA). Only admins and owner can write a message there. 4c. Allies chat is where you can chat only with your allies. If someone hires an ally from you during chatting, you are not able to chat with each other on Ally Chat anymore. 5. ADDITIONAL INFO: My personal favorite epic battles for any stats players, especially for beginners to grow fast are ORIGINS, THE HAUNTING, and NO MANS LAND. Beginners cannot successfully attack or spy in those epic battles, but what they can do is use required potions during item part in each of those epic battles. 5a. ORIGINS - buy about 1000 or as much as you can SCROLL OF THE MAGE'S EYE potion. This potion you will use when the main percentage bar reaches to 25% and 2 additional bars appear. Right away click on Attack > ITEM and select the potion SCROLL OF THE MAGE'S EYE (you will have to remember the potion by picture) and keep clicking REPEAT ACTION until it says INVALID REQUEST or INVALID ACTION. That means that the bar on which you have used the potion has reached zero. The bar that you use potions on is called SOL SPELL and that bar regenerates 480 points every 3 minutes until end of the epic battle. This item part works very well if you come on time to do it from the beginning to end. The more damage or potions you use, the bigger payout at the end of epic battle will be. As a beginner you will do very less damage than big players, which means you will have to use more potions. The best thing would be if you are the only one doing the item part. That way your payout will be over 3 billion. And at the end if you are lucky, you will get helmet as permanent equipment. 5b. THE HAUNTING - In haunting it's a but harder to catch both item parts on time, but you can give it a try. The potion that you will have to use is called SEAL OF DEFLECTION. First other players will have to attack the blue bar called Skeletal Apparitions to zero, then get ready to use the potion SEAL OF DEFLECTION on the main red percentage bar to 25%. Again it would be great if you could do it alone. That is the first part of item part. At 25% new bar will appear that clan members will again have to attack until it reaches zero. Then from 25% to 0% main red bar again use SEAL OF DEFLECTION. If you miss it, don't worry, still you'd be getting a lot of gold for doing the first item part. 5c. NO MANS LAND - For No Mans Land item part it's a bit easier. The item part is right away when the epic battle starts. The potion that you have to use in this EB is called RUNES OF DETECTION. Make sure when your clan starts the epic battle that you come back to the game in 10 minutes. Each epic battle starts in 15 minutes after it's been selected. So make sure you look at that timer and when it reaches zero seconds, right away click to View EB > Attack > Item and select RUNES OF DETECTION. For this EB you don't need to stay online anymore because that is the only item part, but throughout the game until 50% that item bar regens every 2 minutes so if you want more item hits you can keep doing it every 2 minutes. To be on time just calculate that item regen time is like xx:58:00, xx:56:00, 54, 52, 50, 48, and so on.
Long, so didn't read all of it. But for the part I read (around 3/4) it seemed good. Nice job, very helpful
Good job, doesn't deserve a sticky though as its not in enough detail, doesn't include pictures or BBCodes and there is already a stickied one (KaW Handbook) made by Dillybar, which is absolutely fantastic. Also, I find it hard to read. Maybe space out everything a bit more, and colors and sizes help a lot too. Overall it looks fine, won't be in active topics for long but I hope it is in here long enough to give newer players a better idea on the layout of the game, and the mechanics in a very shallow depth.
I'd have to disagree on the starting technique, because If you're a true beginner (very small) your item will be doing so little damage per use, that you won't actually get much pay from it, especially for what you put in- as it revolves around the amount of damage you do, not actions. you'd be better off finding a Forgotten ones, reckoning clan, forgotten ones is preferable.
One thing of note: Allies return 60% not 70%. Besides that, didn't notice anything too off. Great job though. Definitely merits a trial if not a full sticky.