I encourage everyone to give a review of how they felt this promo went. I hope everyone will be reasonable in their assessment, though hoping for everyone to be reasonable is itself unreasonable. I would like this to be a resource for people to share their opinions and allow the devs one place to read what their customers thoughts. What went right: The devs did a good job of improving upon what they originally created with the fang promo. The Ice Moth Hunt was far more balanced and consistent. In the fang hunt, drops were small and were promised to be raised as time went by. The Ice Moth Hunt did see some increase, but not how we saw it in the fangs. This happened because the devs had a better idea of how many moths should be dropped and so only minor changes needed to be made. The devs also introduced more eq as prizes. What could be improved: I enjoyed the the moth hunt and I look forward to future promo's and whatever creativity the devs come up with. However, in the future, I think it would be best to shorten the promo to 2 weeks. It made sense why NML was chosen as one of the most ideal eb's for moth drops. That eb can accommodate a wide range of player sizes. For a good 3 weeks, NML was almost all you could see on wc aside from HTE. There were other eb's that were reasonable alternatives if your clan was big enough to complete it in a similar time as NML, such as SS. There weren't many clans doing that, however. I know Last Exiles were, but you could imagine that that one clan can only entertain so many visitors and those would only be the largest. To keep SS competitive with NML moth drops, you have to complete it in a similar amount of time, and you have to be pretty big for that. The result was, a lot of players were stuck doing NML if they wanted the best balance of gold and moths that they could achieve. I think the same anticipation and interest would have been achieved with just 2 weeks of the moth hunt. A whole month drags a bit. Anticipated Arguments/Complaints: “There was never a chance I could make it to lvl 12! I can't (won't) spend the money to do it!” This might be true. I spent the entire promo doing B2B NML, and I am one of the most active players I know. The amount of NML's I didn't at least unload on were few and there were only a handful of Escapes through the 4 weeks. After a little thought, I decided I would not spend more than I normally do on the game, which is about $30 a month, for the sake of the promo. If that wasn't enough to get lvl 12, than so be it. During the last 2 days of the promo, it became readily apparent that the nobility and xtals I had purchased wasn't going to be enough to get me to 40k, so I simply didn't use them. If this sounds something like you and you say you didn't have a chance, that is believable. However, I don't see this as a legitimate complaint about the promo. Without spending money, it might not have been possible, but so what? Why SHOULD the devs give us a free rout to 40k moths? This is a game to us, but a business to them. I really want people to understand what this is to the devs. THIS IS A BUSINESS!!! I treat the devs no differently then I do the owners of Target, Wal-Mart or any other business that I buy a product from. They are not immoral, unethical or inconsiderate for setting prices for products. If you don't feel you are getting a good value, take your money somewhere else. Continuing to purchase a product nullifies any complaints you have. If you don't spend money at all, I just don't see how you have room to complain in the least. Everything you get is free. The Devs owe you nothing. “I lost a lot of plunder! I WOULD have done something else, even if it DID cost me involvement in the promo, but the option wasn't there for me.” I sympathies with this one a bit more. I was supposed to be working on my bfa for S3. I doubt the Escapes we will do for the next 2 or 3 days will make up for 4 weeks of NML, which is another good reason to reduce future promo's to 2 weeks. Over all, I still find the promo is good for the community. It gives us something different to do. Helping to mitigate the loss of plunder is that most players are on equal footing on this issue. “First the moths, now the banners! I can't keep up with all the different stuff Kaw is doing!” I don't think the banners are going to be quite like the moths, dominating the entire community with either NML or HTE which s lot of players can't afford to do B2B. I doubt every clan is going to run B2B warbeasts the way they did NML. As for me, I am interested in the banners, but that's going on the back burner, for now. I will turn my attention to my bfa the way I was going to. If you can't keep up with all the different changes, incentives and developments, then don't. You and I are probably the average player in this game and will probably keep pace with the herd because the rest of us probably have the same difficulty. “It's not fair that those with more money/time were able to get more moths then me!” Some people have more time and money than others, and this advantage is translated into many places in many societies. The other possibility is, some people are willing to devote more money and time to the game despite being in the same income category as you and I. The money I spend on this game could be more, but there are other things I do for entertainment. I read a LOT and I don't want to stop that habit, so I am not going to take the money I spend at the bookstore and put it into the game, so I don't have any animosity to this second group of people either. In any event, it's not the devs responsibility to make your economic situation more balanced. Welcome to capitalism. “The drops sucked! EQ was weak, we spent more seals and xtals than we gained back, wasted more elements than we gained! Promo was a waste of time!” A LOOOOOT of people complaining about this, and frankly, it just seems to me some people are impossible to please. The EQ doesn't suck, and it isn't obsolete. Depending on where you are in the game, the eq could be very good. Icetail is now the second most powerful weapon unless you count Nightbringer. That's not a bad deal as the amount of people with Nightbringer are limited and will never increase. Additionally, the Icetail is significantly better than Stingpoint and abyssal blade, as the blades stats depend on your offensive strength and the Icetails stats are static. The staff isn't bad either. It's total stats are only slightly less than the storm bow, and their might be plenty of players who prefer the way the staff spreads those stats out. \ As for the complaints about elements, seals and xtals, this one just boggles my mind. So the eq can be stubborn to enchant. This is different from what is normal? Remember the Exo Armor, Sting Point, Gold Greaves, Arachnid Greaves and how difficult it was to enchant THOSE? How many eq is famous for being a beast to enchant? As for complaining about the seals and xtals this is just downright unreasonable. There is no reason why anyone should not have known exactly how many seals and xtals they were going to get, so it's just insanity to make a complaint out of this. If you felt you were spending more than the drops would be worth, than you should have just stopped. Thank you for reading Developers and Kaw Community. Have a nice day kawing the way you kaw.
Great feedback, thank you. Next promo we do will be shorter and we'll let people know more details about the stats so people have a better idea what to expect.
I know! I completely agree. I didn't spend anything and was perfectly happy with 25k. I don't care what people say, I think it was significantly better than the fang promo. Although, I didn't like the drops being random as opposed to based on activity like fangs. Not complaining, just stating a preference!
I agree with lots of your points except that of the equipment. The equipment does suck and requires a ridiculous amount of inferno and aqua to enchant for little benefit. The fail rate and reset rate is incredibly high. If I had known it was so bad I wouldn't have even tried in the promo. Luckily even though I came back to KAW 10 days into the promo I still managed almost 20k moths from warring. I was disappointed by the equipment... But not exactly surprised
I would also say this: Even though I was disappointed by the equipment. I really enjoyed the promo. It gave me a goal to work towards and kept kaw interesting.i would lol to see more of these in the future.
Personally all I got out of this competition was 15Aqua/Inferno,a seal,a few horns and some Xtals.The equipment was of no use to me at the size I am and with the items I already have. I think the next time the devs do a new promo they should measure BFE so everyone gets an item that is a benefit instead of something that they just have..... All in all though it was a great effort from the devs,thanks for the promo and the free stuff I suppose(cause I'm not that pissed honestly).
I will say it went horribly wrong. I absolutely hate these promos. You make everyone on kaw go crazy for something (if it be fang or moth) that you can only get from doing a crappy eb that now almost all of kaw does for the entire length of the promo. It's almost as if the devs sit around and say "what eb can we get these fuckers to do next" Breaking news next promo is warbeasts. In the end everyone will get another insignificant piece of equip and a small amount elements that you would have gotten more just from doing b2b regular ebs. It is amazing how much potential gold was lost due to this promo. I am not a math person but I assume it will be over 100 tril. If someone can please compare everyone doing b2b nml to b2b ss. With b2b ss you make a lot more money and you get elements. Now if someone could make a thread doing all this math that would be great cause I'm curious. Remember to count inferno as 7.5 bil each.
i agree that the kawmmunity can be a bit whiny and impossible to please. The fail rate is tremendous though on these weapons. Had i any idea that i was going to waste hundreds of mats on it and still not have even gotten past lvl 9, I wouldve worked for the extra 8900 moths to get a lvl 10 weapon. All in all though i was pleased with the event and would do it again. Just would be nice if the mage wasnt so incompetent at enchanting. How about next promo we all collect lessons and teach our mages to use less mats or increase success ratios lol.
my only complaint is the winner of the random prize. should have been someone that collected at least 5000 moths, not 1000. after devs gave 1000 free moths away, EVERYONE was eligible to get random prize. i bet there are some really angry KaWers out there...
The rime moth is a terrible piece. Almost guarantee that you won't see anyone switching it out for bow, shield(scorpion),or either of the maces. The icetail is a good piece if you can get it Enchanted. I would hardly call either piece incomparable as the devs did, but that's just me. Shorter promo and tell us the stats beforehand is what I would say. And since your lurking kaw next time make equipment that ppl will use.