KaW Classic<Remake>

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by KingMacTheStar, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. Reason for this thread-
    Ok well, Knights-Banneret made a thread about having a KaW classic. This is a remake since his was locked and sent to the graveyard. Maybe I'm dumb for doing this, maybe not, we may never know.

    Things not there
    Knights-Banneret talked about a different app by ATA that is basically old KaW without Equipment, HLBC, T3 and T4, EBs, The war system for that created PWars and Rwars, also remove Mithral and finally, Private Message (PM).

    This would be called KaW Classic, KaW classic would mainly be OSWs (Off System Wars). The only way to grow is to get cash (by using defense pots to protect) and spend it as fast as you can. This would be the main place for Farming, Trash-talking, Being respected, making Allies stats better for cheaper prices. If you don't like farming, learning how to war and what to build to start warring on Regular KaW (current KaW). Well, this is the place to help you. Back in old KaW people would help you if they weren't in OSW. You would grow and the LB would be harder to get. You could buy pro-packs, but you'll get dogged for doing so. The max stats back then was, I think, close to 500k. There was no 8mil CS only smaller stats which are considered "Noobs" now. This decrease in stats may even correct(fix) the trash talking of newer players when they first join. After they see the effort to grow and all they will stop being annoying and may turn into respectful players like ex-LB Corinthian and Majesty, or even the infamous Dillybar.

    This was all just a thought created by Knights-Banneret that I decided to remake. Thanks :)

    Please don't criticize or troll.
  2. *Braces for trolls*
  3. I'm thinking the same, Sleeper :p
  4. thats what happens when i bump stuff. they get locked :lol:
  5. Mmmmmmm............ Pops up a chair and waits to be entertained
  6. lol. so you're going to remake a thread that had no chance?

    ATA isn't going to bring back classic kaw. dumbass
  7. Great, moose is here to lock it :(
  8. This would be great

    But it's never gonna happen 

  9. when the hell was Corinthian EVER a LB player?

    he's always been a noob
  10. D_bo!!!!!

  11. Um before you were here ;)
  12. Well in the beginning when cor was an osf he may have been lb...
  13. And this idea was scrapped a long time ago
  14. Do y'all who Cor is now? He changed his name.
  15. before I was here? lol do he MIGHT have been on the LB during the first 2 months kaw was out?

    when there was like 1,000 players in total and it took virtually no effort to get on the LB.
  16. Knight-Banerret

    or something like that
  17. @dagon

    yes I know who he is now. he's still an attention whore and a noob. always has been.
  18. Not really, he is just a nice guy trying to keep KaW 9 plus
  19. Oh and moose, go ahead and lock and send to the graveyard