KaW Builds Handbook

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Trev-Star, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. KaW Builds Handbook

    This is a handbook about all KaW Builds. This probably has been made before, but I am going to make this handbook more upgraded and new. I have spent a very long time on this researching. From now on I'll be making Handbooks and guides to help KaW. Hope you enjoy!!!!!!

    The additional "Total Cost with LC" only consists of the builds itself, not the 11.8b that it costs to buy all 25 lands.

    The additional " Total Stats LC " consists of all Leveled up as far as possible.



    Tier 1


    Tier 1 Attack Building

     Total Cost: 1.75m

     Total Cost LC: 42m

     Total Stats LC: 14,400/9,600

    Level 1

     Cost: 25k

     Troops: 500

     Attack/Defense Stats: 400/200

     Plunder Bonus: $10,000

    Level 2

     Cost: 200k

     Troops: 1000

     Attack/Defense Stats: 500/300

     Plunder Bonus: $22,000

    Level 3

     Cost: 1.5m

     Troops: 2000

     Attack/Defense Stats: 600/400

     Plunder Bonus: $48,000


     Tier 1 Balanced Building

     Total Cost: 1.75m

     Total Cost LC: 42m

     Total Stats LC: 12,000/12,000

    Level 1

     Cost: 25k

     Troops: 500

     Attack/Defense Stats: 300/300

     Plunder Bonus: $10,000

    Level 2

     Cost: 200k

     Troops: 1000

     Attack/ Defense Stats: 400/400

     Plunder Bonus: $22,000

    Level 3

     Cost: 1.5m

     Troops: 2000

     Attack/Defense Stats: 500/500

     Plunder Bonus: $48,000


     Tier 1 Defensive Building

     Total Cost: 1.75m

     Total Cost LC: 42m

     Total Stats LC: 9,600/14,400

    Level 1

     Cost: 25k

     Troops: 500

     Attack/ Defense Stats: 200/400

     Plunder Bonus: $10,000

    Level 2

     Cost: 200k

     Troops: 1000

     Attack/Defense Stats: 300/500

     Plunder Bonus: 22,000

    Level 3

     Cost: 1.5m

     Troops: 2000

     Attack/Defense Stats: 400/600

     Plunder Bonus: $48,000

    Tier 2


     Tier 2 Attack Building

     Total Cost: 9.75m

     Total Cost LC: 234m

     Total Stats LC: 172,800/115,200

     My Personal Choice to start with

    Level 1

     Cost: 1.75m

     Troops: 500

     Attack/Defense Stats: 1200/600

     Plunder Bonus: $30,000

    Level 2

     Cost: 3m

     Troops: 1000

     Attack/Defense Stats: 3000/1800

     Plunder Bonus: $66,000

    Level 3

     Cost: 5m

     Troops: 2000

     Attack/Defense Stats: 7200/4800

     Plunder Bonus: $144,000


     Tier 2 Balanced Building

     Total Cost: 9.75m

     Total Cost LC: 234m

     Total Stats LC: 161,280/161,280

     More Troops

     More stats Combined

    Level 1

     Cost: 1.75m

     Troops: 525

     Attack/Defense Stats: 997/997

     Plunder Bonus: $30,400

    Level 2

     Cost: 3m

     Troops 1050

     Attack/Defense Stats: 2625/2625

     Plunder Bonus: $67,000

    Level 3

     Cost: 5m

     Troops: 2100

     Attack/Defense Stats: 6720/6720

     Plunder Bonus: $147,000

    War Cathedral

     Tier 2 Defense Building

     Total Cost: 9.75m

     Total Cost LC: 234m

     Total Stats LC: 134,400/172,800

     Faster Regeneration Rates

    Level 1

     Cost: 130m

     Troops: 500

     Attack/Defense Stats: 750/1200

     Plunder Bonus: $32,000

    Level 2

     Cost: 3m

     Troops: 1000

     Attack/Defense Stats: 2100/3000

     Plunder Bonus: $69,000

    Level 3

     Cost: 5m

     Troops: 2000

     Attack/Defense Stats: 5600/7200

     Plunder Bonus: $152,000

    Tier 3

    Subterranean Factory
     Tier 3 Attack Building

     Total Cost: 1.33b

     Total Cost LC: 31.92b

     Total Stats LC: 518,400/345,600

     My Personal Choice to Convert After Forges

    Level 1

     Cost: 130m

     Troops: 500

     Attack/Defense Stats: 3600/1800

     Plunder Bonus: $101,500

    Level 2

     Cost: 350m

     Troops: 1000

     Attack/Defense Stats: 9000/5400

     Plunder Bonus: $186,000

    Level 3

     Cost: 850m

     Troops: 2000

     Attack/Defense Stats: 21600/14400

     Plunder Bonus: $264,000

    War Aviary

     Tier 3 Balanced Building

     Total Cost: 1.33b

     Total Cost LC: 31.92b

     Total Stats LC: 473,760/473,760

     More Troops

     Higher Plunder Bonus:

    Level 1

     Cost: 130b

     Troops: 525

     Attack/Defense Stats: 2993/2993

     Plunder Bonus: $103,950

    Level 2

     Cost: 350m

     Troops: 1050

     Attack/Defense Stats: 7875/7875

     Plunder Bonus: $190,050

    Level 3

     Cost: 850m

     Troops: 2100

     Attack/Defense Stats: 19740/19740

     Plunder Bonus: $331,800

    Summoning Circle

     Tier 3 Defensive Building

     Total Cost: 1.33b

     Total Cost LC: 31.92b

     Total Stats LC: 393,600/518,400

     Faster Regeneration Rates

    Level 1

     Cost: 130m

     Troops: 500

     Attack/Defense Stats: 2150/3600

     Plunder Bonus: $106,500

    Level 2

     Cost: 350m

     Troops: 1000

     Attack/Defense Stats: 6300/9000

     Plunder Bonus: $195,000

    Level 3

     Cost: 850m

     Troops: 2000

     Attack/Defense Stats: 16400/21600

     Plunder Bonus: $340,000

    Tier 4

    Cursed Foundry

     Tier 4 Attack Building

     Total Cost: 26.25b

     Total Cost LC: 630b

     Total Stats LC: 2,485,440/1,647,260

     My Personal Choice to Convert After Subterranean Factory

    Level 1

     Cost: 3.75b

     Troops: 900

     Attack/Defense Stats: 25,920/17,280

     Plunder Bonus: $356,000

    Level 2

     Cost: 7.5b

     Troops: 1000

     Attack/Defense Stats: 51,800/20,000

     Plunder Bonus: $535,000

    Level 3

     Cost: 15b

     Troops: 1200

     Attack/Defense Stats: 103,560/68,640

     Plunder Bonus: $801,600

    Circle Of Elements

     Tier 4 Balanced Building

     Total Cost: 26.25b

     Total Cost LC: 630b

     Total Stats LC: 2,273,856/2,273,856

     Most Combined Stats!

    Level 1

     Cost: 3.75b

     Troops: 1000

     Attack/Defense Stats: 23,680/23,680

     Plunder Bonus: $365,000

    Level 2

     Cost: 7.5b

     Troops: 1100

     Attack/Defense Stats: 47,366/47,366

     Plunder Bonus: $547,800

    Level 3

     Cost: 15b

     Troops: 1300

     Attack/Defense Stats: $94,744/94,744

     Plunder Bonus: $821,600

    Titans Lair

     Tier 4 Defensive Building

     Total Cost: 26.25b

     Total Cost LC: 630b

     Total Stats LC: 1,888,128/2,488,320

    Level 1

     Cost: 3.75b

     Troops: 900

     Attack/Defense Stats: 19,674/25,920

     Plunder Bonus: $374,500

    Level 2

     Cost: 7.5b

     Troops: 1000

     Attack/Defense Stats: 39,340/51,840

     Plunder Bonus: $562,000

    Level 3

     Cost: 15b

     Troops: 1200

     Attack/Defense Stats: 78,672/103,680

     Plunder Bonus: $843,600


    Tier 1


     Tier 1 Spy Building

     Total Cost: 977.75m

     Total Cost LC: 23.95b

     Total Stats LC 324,000/324,000

    Level 1

     Cost: 25k

     Troops: 500

     Spy Attack/Defense Stats: 150/150

     Plunder Bonus: $5,000

    Level 2

     Cost: 2.5m

     Troops: 1500

     Spy Attack/Defense: 900/900

     Plunder Bonus: $33,000

    Level 3

     Cost: 75m

     Troops: 4500

     Spy Attack/Defense Stats: 5400/5400

     Plunder Bonus: $216,000

    Level 4

     Cost: 900m

     Troops: 9000

     Spy Attack/Defense: 13,500/13,500

     Plunder Bonus: $432,000

    Tier 2

    Stronghold of Shadow

     Tier 2 Spy Building

     Total Cost: 27.72b

     Total Cost LC: 665.28b

     Total Stats LC: 1,559,040/1,559,040


    Tier 1

    Defensive Tower

     Tier 1 Spy Building

     Total Cost: 35m

     Total Cost LC: 840m

     Total Stats LC: /972,000

    Level 1

     Cost: 25k

     Defense Stats: /750

    Level 2

     Cost: 4.75m

     Defense Stats: /5625

    Level 3

     Cost: 30m

     Defense Stats: /40,500

    Lookout Fortress

     Tier 1Spy Defense Building

     Total Cost: 997.53m

     Total Cost LC: 23.94b

     Total Stats LC: /486,000

    Level 1

     Cost: 25k

     Spy Defense Stats: /225

    Level 2

     Cost: 2.5m

     Spy Defense Stats: /1320

    Level 3

     Cost: 75m

     Spy Defense Stats: /8100

    Level 4

     Cost: 900m

     Spy Defense Stats: /20250

    Tier 2

    Defensive Fortress

     Tier 2 Defense Building

     Total Cost: 18.6b

     Total Cost LC: 446.4b

     Total Stats LC: /2,982,528

    Level 1

     Cost: 1b

     Defense Stats: /44,550

    Level 2

     Cost: 3.1b

     Defense Stats: /78,000

    Level 3

     Cost: 14.5b

     Defense Stats: 124,272

    Lookout Fortress

     Tier 2 Spy Defense Building

     Total Cost: 26.25b

     Total Cost LC: 630b

     Total Stats LC: /3,787,200

    Level 1

     Cost: 3.5b

     Spy Defense Stats: /24,300

    Level 2

     Cost: 7.75b

     Spy Defense Stats: /48,600

    Level 3

     Cost: 15b

     Spy Defense Stats: /157,800

    Thank You for taking your time to read My KaW Build Handbook. If you liked it please post a comment and tell me. if u have something to add, or if I messed up PLZ tell me. This was made on IPod Touch so it might be a different Format on PC. Thankyou again. :D

     Special Thanks To:

    Dillybar... For editing

    All of DFA... For helping an supporting
  2. Superrr Long Plzz bump
  3. Cool!!!!!!!nice job
  4. this seems copied, i saw this somewhere :evil:
  5. Great job how did dillybar edit it?
  6. I was testing it in another forum BUT THIS TOOK 5 DAYS AND WASN'T COPIED ( liked most are ) I spent hard time on it
  7. I sent to his email!!!!! And he actually really didn't !!! :D lol
  8. The total costs for few of te builds is incorrect
  9. Idts.... Maybe so but not of much I did all calculations frm calculaTor
  10. Ppl seem to be plagiarizing a lot of these I ought to know I pull em up on Internet daily
  12. Just have to say something bad bc u can't do as well lol
  13. These are there plunder bonus from 1.5mil spy?
  14. Good work but you didn't break down different costs of SoS levels
  15. It is very hard to calculate all these... I tried my best.......
  16. Good Guide bravo I like the addition LC..... Havent seen that b4