Have you ever wondered what your ally plunder is or have you wanted to know how much that next piece of or upgrade is going to cost or your total stats here is a link to the kingdoms at war build calculator all you have to do is change the green number to match what you have and it does the rest right now it has my build in it so now make it yours and see what you got it is a Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet (.xlsx) https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc...khvc1ZzUjlQNzFnREh1NVE&hl=en&authkey=CLHMiu4N
I can dig it must have been hard making that lots like a lot of time and effort went into it :mrgreen:
no i didn't put a lot hard work into it because I'm not the creator of it someone else made it. i just made a few changes and posted it so people can find it easier
well thanks because i've heard of this before but could never find it and i know a lot of people will find this useful
A-Dubb, what did you change? This looks like the calculator I posted in this forum. I see you made a spot for the castle and stripped out any credits I had for dillybar, Zarrow, Zaft Donkey, iBlanchas, etc. Why did you strip out the version number, the credits and the links to the source information? It is useful to provide your sources. It is also friendly to give credit to previous authors. I know I had a few typos I had yet to fix. If you let me know which version you had grabbed and the changes we can work to get this finalized. Feel free to take ownership of the build calculator. I only picked up version 1 from "President". But please do credit your sources and the people who helped pull this info together. Thanks, Stoneford