kaw blows

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by OH3, Apr 7, 2013.

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  1. So some idiot from kaw says pimd is full of pervs get back in your hole u call kaw! Pimd all the way!!
  2. You do realize that you are in the KaW forums and not PIMD right?
  3. preach it kaw sucks
  4. Clearly -_-
  5. **** kaw, pimd and meego is where all the cool kids are.
  6. Support! I love pimd!
    You guys sucks.
  7. Op too small to farm :cry:
  8. :roll:
  9. Whoop whoop
  10. oh no dont farm me  bacause i care so much about this game
  11. Whateverrlol, you should pot up
  12. When was the last time Pimd got an update? Lol
  13. Yeah them PiMD suckers be jelly of the ATA affection we recieve.
  14. Please don't make threads like this
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