*Kaw Bank*

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by destroyersatwar45, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. Well *most* of you know on _Fc_ that there is a bank. If you look around kaw, you will notice that there isint a bank.

    *There is a bank though!*

    To use this bank, what you have to do is you have to buy an allie. The thing is you have to find an allie that costs the same amount of money you have. Like I had 40,000,000 gold but I bought an allie for 39,000,000. Dont be exact in your allie. For best banking, find someone who has no owner. That will make shure you have him longer. Also, when you use this bank, you gain money not loose money. Please let this useful tip help you bank

    - *Destroyeratwar45*
  2. U could also put ur gold in potions.
  3. Please learn to spell.
  4. I like pie instead of clans
  5. I like pie instead of clans
  6. my favorite pie is pizza pie
  7. No. Dont put your money in potions. When you sell them, you loose 30% of what you paid for
  8. Potions in pie?
  9. Why is this in the strategy section?
  10. Everyone knows that. I have my alt put all his money in allies so when he needs the money I get them
  11. "Shure"? Really dude? Have your mom make your threads for you.... Unless she's retar ded too!
  12. Test: retarded
  13. Nope doesn't blank retard in forums. *sigh
  14. no, dont go on that site!!!
  15. I think I stripped all his allies....