Kaw Army

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Chocolate_Milk2, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. I need:
    2 pilots
    1 mechanic
    1 weapons specilist
    I am the commander and trainer
  2. Too many threads... Use the ones that are started already
  3. I want to be liutenent
  4. My troll army was better
  5. *gives a few of my cookie-army cookies to masacres army*
  6. Liuentenant Francis reporting in
  7. So we have a luitenant and a weapons specialist
  8. Can I be the nuke
  9. y do u wanna be a nuke?
  10. He can be a Nuke specialist
  11. true good point *bows to the mighty nuke specialist*
  12. You lost the game
  13. the games not lost ... u sat on it ...