KAW anniversary idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by manchu1, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. To begin I'm a forum noob

    Idea: at the yearly anniversary date of your account a 1 time build change option.

    How it works: to begin at said anniversary date u get to reset your builds only for land complete sections.

    Meaning: for example if only all low lands are bought u may only redo the lowlands. U can sell your buildings for exactly what they cost you to build.

    Example. If u are a ll guild build u only get refunded the approx cost of 1b per. Any build used beyond the refunded amount will be your expense.
    If u were all attack ll for example and changed to all guild u could then pocket the difference

    Conclusion. Basically it's a once a year build change You can only change ll if land complete for low lands High lands if ll and hl land complete and HF only if land complete. Please past thoughts