KaW Aid - Total Net Worth & Build Calculator***UPDATED***

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlIl_-X-_BH-VIXEN-BH_-X-_lIlI, Apr 9, 2011.

  1. UPDATE: v1.02

    Just a quick fix on the build calculator.


    UPDATE: v1.01

    Ok, so I have been busy yet again and have developed my calculator further, the new update includes:

    *A New Build Calculator which will allow users to calculate their prospective builds, it will also total the cost of your prospective build, so you know how much you need to save.

    *I have extended the allies list on the build calculator to accomodate for up to 1000 allies.

    *New splash page.

    You can download the updated version by following the following link:


    If like me you have already filled in the information on the old release you can directly copy n paste your input information into this new release.

    Are you like me, have you ever wondered, "how much money do I have tied up in my assets?"

    Well I have been busy this evening producing an excel spreadsheet (2003 compatible) which will total your entire net worth. This adds up all allies, pots and also all lands and buildings. It also contains the costs off all lands and each level of every building in each tier. If you wish to have a copy I have uploaded it to an FTP server and is free to download.(pc users only)

    I assure you it's completely safe and virus free.

    Please enjoy!!! Any comments or feedback please do let me know!!!
  2. Re: Total Net Worth

    Nice on slippers, very useful!
  3. Re: Total Net Worth

  4. Re: Total Net Worth

  5. Re: Total Net Worth

    Glad you enjoy it guys  will be adding a build calculator to it soon 
  6. Re: Total Net Worth

  7. Re: Total Net Worth

    I am very very Awsome remember my words
  8. Re: Total Net Worth

  9. Re: Total Net Worth

    Bs bet it gives u a virus...
  10. Re: Total Net Worth

    Awesome, I assure you it doesnt, I would not have posted it it did, nor would I have put it onto my university's webserver (student.dc.Lincoln.AC.UK) I made it for myself n a few others liked the idea too, so I have put it online so all can access it.

    I have spent most my KaW life helping noobs (9 months), I am a trusted source.
  11. Re: Total Net Worth

    Noob 
  12. Re: Total Net Worth

    Takes one to know one 

    How's it going dat??
  13. Re: Total Net Worth

    Just to let everyone know I have emailed the developers the URL and have asked them to verify it's content. I have also asked them to drop a post in this thread with their findings.
  14. Re: Total Net Worth

    All is good for TSU - except the four of us warring GORAK and clan 
  15. Re: Total Net Worth

    Haha! Nice bro 
  16. Re: Total Net Worth

    Cheers for putting the work in. I figure that a net worth breakdown would be something much appreciated in the profile area.

    Another feature to add to the list... 
  17. Re: Total Net Worth

    I haven't had troops in 5 days 
  18. Re: Total Net Worth

  19. Re: Total Net Worth

  20. Re: Total Net Worth

    Thank you!