Hi all you new players, welcome to kingdoms at war, the best app on the app store in my opinion . These are some helpful tips and links that will greatly help you in improving your KaW experience. KaW 101 The basics: 1)When you first start, ask for a volley on wc*. 2)Start building, (build 1 bestiary, and the rest of your buildings cathedrals to maximize plunder) with all the money you receive from the volley*. (if it is a good volley you will get somewhere around 100mil). (Note:You must upgrade bestiarys/cathedrals to level 3 for the most effective stats*) 3)Enter a clan, To do so click on a players profile, hit the "view" button next to their clan name, then press the "join" button. Or, if you already know what clan you want to join, press the "clan" button on the lower part of the screen, then type in the name of the clan you want to join. After you have successfully found the clan you want to join, press the "join" button. (Note: pressing the join button will not automatically enter you into that clan, one of the clan's admins 'or owner' must accept you into the clan) 4)Success! You have been accepted into a clan! Now, the best thing to do (depending on the clan) is to get on cc*, then start asking questions. (Note: it's ok to ask questions, don't be shy). 5)Now by this time you probably feel like you have the hang of the game, well if you do.. that's great! Now that you are a little more experienced you can try entering a EB*, or if the clan you are already in is currently hosting a EB, ask what to do on cc*. If your clan is not hosting a Epic Battle, try finding a clan that is. To leave your current clan, go to the clan page, then click manage, then leave. To join a EB follow the sane steps as joining a clan. 6)Don't know what a EB is? It is almost like a huge quest, where players attack and assassinate the epic battle in order to gain gold. (Note: the number of troops you have will differ depending on your build choice) 7)Questing. Questing is when you press the "quest's" button on the home page, then you will see a button next to the quest that says "Do Quest". Press this button to do the quest of your choice, certain quests drop crystals*, or nobs*. These things can also be purchased from the oracle. 8)Attacking. Depending on your build, you should have a number of troops. Now click the "Battle" button on the home page, then 15 players of equal or lesser stats will appear. Next, press the "Attack" button. But beware, attacking players more than 5x in a 24 hour period is considered quite rude and may even get you farmed(but it is NOT against the ToU*) 9)Building up. Using the money you You earned in your plunder war (or attacking other players) buy the biggest ally you can afford) (Note: to buy an ally, click the "Allies" button on the screen). 10)Now by this time it seems you are getting pretty good at KaW, so it's time to say goodbye. But before I go I'd like to say a few things. First off, Thanks for all the support The_Memories_Of_Nobody. 2nd, If you have any questions, feel free to wall me. And last but not least, thank you to all my supporters! I'm open to any feedback on things I could include in future guides. XTREME WC= A big chat room where players can communicate. *ToU= http://media.kingdomsatwar.com/faq/iphone/tos.html *EB= http://media.kingdomsatwar.com/faq/ipho ... sion=1#ebs *Questing= http://media.kingdomsatwar.com/faq/ipho ... n=1#quests Chat and forum behavior= http://media.kingdomsatwar.com/faq/ipho ... cfbehavior Allies= http://media.kingdomsatwar.com/faq/ipho ... n=1#allies Clans and wars= http://media.kingdomsatwar.com/faq/ipho ... clans_wars
Xtreme will fall back. I tried being nice a couple times, after people having their heads too far up a certain area of the body, I decided to be a douche bag again. I forgot how fun it was!
Erminator- that's like putting up titans lairs and cursed foundries, you don't do it. A mixed building gives you higher combined stats and better plunder.
Alright. I'll only point out your flaws because that's apparently my only talent. Do not tell them what to do, tell them how different builds affect the game. Let them learn the game before growing