KaW 101 (Info for noobs)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SM_ifartedtwice_SM, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Hey guys, this guide is intended to cover basic game mechanics and strategy. This is my first guide, so please let me know what you think.


    Questing and battling are the first actions many players perform in the game once they complete the tutorial. Let me clarify one thing: neither of these should be your major source of income (unless you enjoy annoying the heck out of someone by farming them.) That said, quests are most useful for procuring nobs, (nobility points) and xtals (crystals.) Nobs are used to change your name, buy a clan, regenerate your army and purchase gold. Crystals are used to regenerate your army. There are 69 quests total, each of which must be successfully a certain number of times to master them. The number varies from quest to quest. See http://forum.kingdomsatwar.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=24806 for more detailed information on specific quests.


    From your home tab, you can access the bl (battle list). This list is populated by randomly chosen players who have stats comparable to yours. When battling, try to have your troops at max, or close to it. You will have a higher rate of success. A successful attack earns you money. If an opponent is too difficult to hit, buy some pots! (potions/items, found under the supplies tab.) Pots increase your attack, defense, spy attack or spy defense, depending on the pot. when attacking, if you own any pots, you will be shown a pre-attack screen, where you are given the option to select one or more pots to help you in the battle. Once you have tapped attack, if any pots were selected, they will be used up, regardless of whether or not the attack was successful. You may only use one of each different pot per battle. something to think about: your opponents may be using defense pots, in which case you will need to use an attack pot of equal or greater strength to counteract the effects of the opponent's defense pot(s). More on pots in a later section.


    Spying is a battle action, and you use the battle list in the same way you would to attack, except that instead of tapping the attack button, naturally, you would touch "spy." There are three types of spy actions you can perform: Scout, Assassinate and Steal. Scouting is used to discover your enemy's strengths and weaknesses. Scouting reveals their buildings and the percent chance of you winning a battle against the opponents if no pots are used on either side. When you scout, the opponent does not use spy defense pots to defend against your scouting. You may, however, use spy attack pots to increase your chances of success. NOTE: Any time a spy action is successful, your opponent will be unable to see who performed the activity on him. This is true of all spy activities, but not of attacks.
    When you steal, naturally, you are sending your spies to steal your opponent's gold away from them. I believe, (someone correct me if I'm wrong,) that the amount taken in a successful steal is .025% of the target's total gold. This can be very annoying if you do it right, because your opponent will have no idea who is taking their gold (as long as you always succeed) and so will be unable to retaliate. I recommend not stealing more than three times in a row, otherwise your spy strength will decrease as the number of spies you have remaining decreases. This will increase your chances of failure, and therefore your likelihood of retaliation attacks. When performing steals, your opponent will use spy defense pots automatically.
    Assassinating is sending your spies to kill your opponent's troops so that you will have a better chance of winning an attack. Your opponent will automatically use spy defense pots to protect from this attack as well. If done correctly, your opponent will not know who is assassinating their units, however, this is of limited usefulness, because you will typically attack them after weakening them, thereby revealing your identity. In war, there may be exceptions. More on war later.

    Epic Battles

    I told you earlier that attacking and questing were not the best way to earn money. That is true. Epic battles are the quickest, easiest and least dangerous way to earn money. To participate in an epic battle, you must first be in a clan. Salutem Mortuis is the best ;) More on clans later. Once you have joined a clan, tap on the epic battle button on the home tab (if one is going on.) This will take you to the epic battle page, where (depending on the epic battle) you will see something like this:[​IMG]

    Different actions are to be used in different stages of the eb ( epic battle.) For example, the diamond titans in this picture

    [​IMG] need to be assassinated, then the gems need to be stolen, and the golem horde needs to be attacked/assassinated. When you tap attack, you will be presented with a screen giving you options for attacking: attack, scout, steal, etc. Once you attack with your chosen action, you will be presented with a results screen, informing you on how many troops you lost, how much gold you won, the impact you had on your target, etc. Different epic battles require different actions. The goal is to defeat the battle within the time limit. If your clan successfully accomplishes that and you were active in the epic battle, you will receive a payout afterwards. In some epic battles, equipment is also given out: Destroyer, Figure of Death and City of the Dead. These drops are random and hard to obtain. A good clan will have epic battles running most of the time. For a detailed guide on epic battles, including what to do in different stages of the different epic battles, see Wulf's guide here.


    Alright. Now that you are attacking players and fighting in epic battles, you probably want more money. Who doesn't? The secret to earning money is allies. To earn the maximum amount of plunder per hit, you must have a set amount of gold invested in allies. The set amount depends on your build. Unfortunately, there is no known formula for determining what that amount is. All we have is this test. Hit on an epic battle. Write down your ally plunder. Go buy another ally. Hit on the epic battle again. Make sure it is the same epic battle, and the same stage. Write down your ally plunder for that hit. If the two hits were the same, congratulations! You are at ally cap. If not, go buy more allies and try again later. Usually, you should be making three or four times your plunder from allies. Another way to earn money from allies is to have someone buy them from you. Every time that happens, you get gold. The more the ally was worth, the more gold you will get when someone buys them from you. The player who gets hired also earns a small amount of money. This can be a good source of income for noobs, but once you have unlocked about six lands, the money you earn from being hired is a pittance. For a guide on reaching ally cap, see this.

    For a guide to making money through the ally trade, see this.


    Now that you have some money, you will want to add to your kingdom. I am not going to go into detail here, there is too much to cover. Instead I will cover basic information. First, there are two types of builds: Spy and Attack. The attack build is more common, however the spy build can be terrifying if used well. Within the spy category, there are two builds: Hansel and Pure Spy. A hansel has all spy buildings except for one attack building. A Pure spy has all spy buildings, no attack. The attack build usually has a few spy buildings to protect itself from other attack builds, however it is no match for a spy build. A spy build can spy farm an attack build until kingdom come if the spy is smart. But all it takes is for the spy to get discovered stealing once, and the attack build knows who has been hitting him. And usually, when they come looking for you, it's not with flowers. For more information on buildings, stats, etc, see this.

    For more information on building a hansel, see this.


    A clan is a group of players who have joined together under the leadership of a clan owner and the clan admins. To start a clan, you must pay 25 billion gold or 100 nobility points. If you use nobility points, or if 25 billion seems like a lot to you, you probably are not ready to own a clan. A clan is run by the owner, who can kick members, give and change clan titles, accept and reject incoming applicants for the clan, edit the clan info page, disband the clan, start epic battles, start wars and give admin/co-owneer spots in the clan. An admin in an owner-appointed administrator of the clan, and they share the same abilities as an owner, with the exception that an admin cannot disband the clan, change other admin's titles or bestow adminship or co-ownership on anyone. There is no limit to the number of admins a clan can have, however there may only be one owner and one co-owner. If the owner of a clan leaves the clan, the co-owner becomes the owner of the clan. IMPORTANT!!! Never give admin or co-owner positions to people you do not know. A lot of damage is done this way. Never give your clan away, if you do this, there is no way to get it back. A clan may have up to 100 members in it, with the exception of the clans iG and Foxes. They have a 120 member cap, because they beta-tested the war system. Since many clans have reached the member limit and wanted to continue growing, they create sub-clans. This sub-clan is usually used to help smaller players to move up to the main clan. Some larger families of clans (such as Chaos Reborn,) have multiple sub-clans. For more information on admin duties in a clan, see this.

    For more information on creating a clan, see this.

    For more information on growing a clan, see this.


    Wars come in two varieties: System and off-system. A system war is an organized war, played by the game rules. It is started by the admins of the two clans who will be warrring, and lasts a set period of time. The winner is the clan whose members earn the most gold by hitting the other clan's war roster.
    All gold made by hitting enemy players in a war is subject to a war tax. This tax is use to create a pot, which goes to the winner of the war and is divided up between the active members. The winners also receive mithril, which is a type of currency used to buy spells from the alchemist. More on the alchemist later. There are many different war strategies, but in any war, you will want to have a large quantity of potions and strong allies to help you. You do not want to leave gold lying around. Bank it by buying allies or pots, which can then be sold again later to regain your money. I prefer using allies, as selling potions only returns 75% of what you paid for them. Off system wars are nasty, and often last for weeks or months at a time. Unless you are looking for trouble, try to stay away from them.


    In the oracle, you have the option of using real money to purchase in-game items to boost your stats by a certain percentage (idevice only.) On any platform, you have the option to purchase speakers, nobility and crystals.
    The alchemist allows you to purchase spells using mithril, which last a certain time period. The effects range from turning your name in chat to a different color to boosting your stats in a certain area. To access the alchemist, you must upgrade your castle to level two. You can still get mithril before upgrading, you just wont be able to use it.

    World Chat

    To post in wc (world chat), you need a speaker item. If your account was created on an idevice, you will automatically earn three speakers a day, for a maximum of 25 speakers. If your account was created on a pc, you will not regenerate your speakers. This is to prevent third party advertising. Additional speakers can be bought at the oracle at the cost of 1 nobility per speaker.
    In World Chat You May be Silenced!
    Reasons for being silenced include, but are not limited to, spamming (3 or more messages containing same or similar content), bypassing (using spaces or special characters to get around the censoring filter), sharing of personal information, asking others for their personal information (such as "any 14 year old girls wanna chat?"), hate language, third party advertisements or any other violation of the Terms of Use. Moderators are the ones who do the silencing. Many people wish to become mods. To apply for modship, send an email to Support@athinkingape.com. For more information on becoming a mod, read this.

    Thanks for reading guys, hope I helped :) I am sure I missed a ton, so if you have something that I forgot or that I need to correct, please wall me. I will be making regular updates to this thread, providing it garners interest.
  2. Support
  3. Good job thanks For helping the community
  4. 0.o very very very very long.... So I assume it's good!
  5. Thanks! I think...  lol, I spent all afternoon on it
  6. Support!! next time just try to break the big paragraps in smaller ones so its easier to read!good job nonetheless
  7. Alright! I can do that tomorrow :)
  8. awesome keep up the good work
  9. Tl;Dr, but I skimmed and it looks good.
  10. Tldr. If it's that long it's gotta be pretty good. Nice work
  11. Wow, I'm getting hits! 
  12. Any ideas on how to make it shorter and still include everything?
  13. No. xD I'm just not in the mood to read something long, plus my CC and AC are busy atm, so, yeah. :lol:
  14. like i said u dont really need to make the text itself shorter....just section big paragraphs so il give the impression of a less charged read
  15. like i said u dont really need to make the text itself shorter....just section big paragraphs so il give the impression of a less charged read
  16. woah double posted
  17. There's already a thread on this but nice thread. It might get locked because this is a remake