Justin Bieber and ml

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *ML_Justin_Bieber_ML (01), Aug 8, 2013.

  1. Just want to confirm a few things:
    yes i am actually a part of ml
    a lot of us in ml like to party hard whilst listening to our favourite Jb <3
    My job in ml is to make sure that no one disses jb and everyone makes sure to listen to him atleast 3 hours a day.

    Trollololollol, damn these ML_ tags put poor justin to shame, :-D

    XD so what does the kawmunity think?
    Justin or ML , whats worse?
  2. What's worse is people who are too cowardly to post with their mains.
  3. That to royal
  4. This thread is worse than both. Please don't make useless threads.

  5. Its funny how people insult each other with no towers
  6. *throws into the trashcan*

    Another thread bites the dust.
  7. Ty fur al da suport gays
  8. He must be rpl noob
  9. I for one love ML because they've helped me before. Hate Beiber tho.. Hope that clears things up a little.
  10. Hes nothing to do with us so keep rpl out of it
  11. thats fun because it could be one of your members alts. Just to afraid to tell you they did it.
  12. This is hilarious. Is this a true clan? Full of Justin beiber fans? Lol
  13. Think that's pretty damn obvious
  14. Don't diss rpl please.
  15. As if this isn't easily seen through, facepalm.
  16. Now a real question is, Whos worse, JB or Nickelback? thats a tough one