Justin and Selena back together!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Apr 29, 2013.

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  1. [​IMG]

    I wanted to spread the good news to all my fellow beliebers out there. Justin has forgiven Selina and allowed her back into his life! Can their be any happier news than this?

    Congrats Justin and Selana. Yours is a love to rival Romeo and Juliet. May it last for a thousand years. And don't mind all those haters who wish you ill, Justin. They are just jealous that they will never have the talent, fame, wealth, andgorgeous hot women you get. Here's to your happiness!


    Hang on to him this time, Selena.

  2. And in the war section? Don't spam forums with such nonsense stuff
  3. Mardin too small. Throw back
  4. Mardin you idiot. There is a very good reason this is in the war section. Now go away. I can't hit noob builds.
  5. lmao, but really beiber? i hate that clown, but he probably gets more ass than me so whatever lol
  6. I used to like Justin..

    Until I took an arrow to the knee
  7. Carnage too small. Throw back.
  8. Grabbin that ass
  9. This worm too small. Throw back.
  10. hehe i got away ;)
  11. Oh, going fishing again, nice try...
    And now I understand why it's in the war section, but I thought it was real, and you call me noob? At least I can go fish in a real way, not make fun of myself just to hit some lower stats, and I have heard you never hit back.
  12. Lol you know it Caine.
  13. I don't believe how zaft, that has my respect, let you in the clan, a coward bully... And I know that zaft DOESN'T allow it's members to post on the forums, and specially in this way, unless you are a temporary visitor
  14. Selena is way to cute for the awkward geek.
  15. Scared from replying back?
  16. Can't hit dionese. Allied clan member. Next. 
  17. He told you to leave if you dont you are violating tos
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