Just Sayin...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by renamed86, May 4, 2013.

  1. Dear Devs,

    It would be very much appreciated if you could adjust the rancor wars such that, in the same way your build cannot be changed after matchup, you should not be able to purchase allies. Similarly, for the duration of the war, any ally owned by someone engaged in the war cannot be bought. This last suggestion is only so someone doesn't get an ally bought...and then is restricted from buying one himself. That would not be fair either.

    Thanks for your consideration and overall great job on the season. I'm very much enjoying it. But I do think the BFA boosting after matchup needs to be looked at.

    I also DO NOT think that if there have been clans that have used this technique that they should be penalized. I 100% do not support that. People are using whatever means necessary to win...I get that...it is war after all. But I do think the lack of structure around this issue makes it easy for clans to manipulate matchups and that devs should put in the rules mentioned above.

  2. Congrats your the 7,983rd person to make this thread
  3. He is... But the thread means a lot more coming from a reputable kaw player like OP
  4. Wasn't aware one had to be well known to have good ideas.
  5. Congrats Flint youre the 687,198,665th person who's been a smart ass on the internet.
  6. you are lowballing that number.
  7. I'd like devs to factor in equipment while doing matchups . There's so many loop holes in EE giving clans advantages.
  8. I heard that there's only 400million some people with internet access. If each person can only be counted once, and not everyone that has used the internet has been a smart ass, I figured i was close.
  9. A1- Hell yeah! I was hitting someone half my size full pots and fails. There equipment was beast.
  10. Well that's a great estimate I guess xD
  11. waaaaay more than 400million people with internet access.

    2.4 billion according to some website i just checked.
  12. Shut up flint. No one likes a stuck up ***** smart ***. As for op, well I don't care who has an idea, if its good then it's good, it can come from a 2 day old player or Chongo hombre and I'd still support it the same way.
    Support op. Good to see that you're a stronger player though, one that doesn't NEED this change. That's very mature.
  13. That's more than i thought. Since when do all those people in India have access to starbucks?
  14. How did gangnam style get so many hits unless people looked it up on 6 different devices each?
  15. It's only more than I thought now because when i saw the number, it was less than i thought. I forgot the number and now trying to remember it all i could remember was that it was less than i thought. Its definitely gone up now.
  16. Why don't we just go back to good ole system wars with no outside hits allowed? A player could not be dtw unless no troops or spies. BFA is nonexistent unless the player has trillions invested as for equipment, go do eq ebs or buy mith eq.
  17. But seriously Mr. And Mrs. Dev....c'mon now
  18. Lots of people do have trillions invested in allies...

    And how to buy mith equip if you can win wars to earn mith?

    I agree w you re: bring back old system wars...those were actually FUN.
  19. Are these wars supposed to be fun? I guess for the handful of clans who have figured out how to manipulate the rosters the best.