Good Morning/Day/Evening/Night Forumers! So let me get started here. As you can see, this is Moutos The Malevolet and all the Epic Battles in his/her series. And this is his/her Artwork that goes along with the entire series of Epic Battles. This is my electric storm bow. NOTE: This is irrelevant to this thread, i just like to brag about how i got it on my first TGL with little effort and don't even use it. :lol: This is the Wrath Of The Sveruganti Epic Battle Series, which includes the newly added Ghomorax Of The Highlands Epic Battle. Now the part that kind of confuses me is the fact that ALL Epic Battles have a single piece of Artwork to go along with them BUT the Wrath Of The Sveruganti series has TWO pieces of Artwork as show below side by side. LEFT: Wrath Of The SverugantiRIGHT: Ghomorax Of The Highlands My Questions: 1.Why does Lignabelua Of The Lowlands and Ghomorax Of The Highlands have 2 different Artworks even though they are both part of the same series? 2.Is moutos and boy or a girl? does "Malevolet" part imply he is a male? 3.Devs, will you merge both artworks and replace the current one in the Epic Battles screen as chocolate23 did here? Thank you for taking your time to read my thread and admire my forumer skillz. Thank you Devs for the free health crystal! #Suptis2ForMod #KasamaRpKing #SnoopyRetirementMixtape #Chocolate23ForVk #CharlieBestDev #LogicBestWC #JacksonHasNoActiveSpells #AshesOfEdenPostMoreThreads #ZethIsOGArtist #DontFreePipeBomb #EyeCancerCausingBlue Disclaimer: NONE of the Artworks/Pictures in this thread belong to me. please don't sue me ATA.
Re: Why? Just questions about new and old Epic Battles. I think the reason for the differing artwork between LOTL and GOTH is simply because the eb series isn't about a main boss but about a group of main bosses. In pretty much every other eb series the main boss is a theme throughout.
Re: Why? Just questions about new and old Epic Battles. Not something super debate-worthy in my opinion :lol:, but I like the effort you put into the thread. Nice job
Well I assume this series has all the bosses for the lands, so lowlands/highlands has been released so next will be hoarfrost and so on.. So you can't really make one piece of art for all of them since they are separate.
You're thinking about this all wrong. Sveruganti is some ice monster minding his own bees's wax when some humans are all 'Argh! A monster!' and start attacking him. He tries to make the human's understand that he's actually a nice guy and tries cracking a few jokes. But, no, the human's ain't having it. So, they chase him outta town and into some abandoned area - much like Cherynoble or however you spell that place. Then, coz of all the radiation: he's all 'Argh! My icey skin is melting and am gunna die soon!' But, no! He survives and changes his name to Ghomorax and goes back to the village all like: 'Hi guys! I'm Sve...I mean Ghomorax. Let's do village stuff together!' So, Ghomorax is just highlighting the horrors of global pollution. Kinda like Hexas from Ferngully. Conclusion: Sveruganti IS Ghomorax, just after some serious alone time in the nuclear forrest. Only, this time he's had time to work on his comedy routine. Hope it all works out for him. Kinda worry about the guy.
I think Goth will be the last eb in series maybe. That's my thought atleast. Maybe that's why they are together?
Because the monster are related to the lands so expect two more in the series. No idea what gender the dragon is but I no it has no skin later. And I've forgotten the last question
1. From what I understand the new EB series deals with the wrath of nature personified (maybe monsterified?) within our lands, so each land will be a different personification of nature's wrath. 2. I can't exactly remember but I did chase the bow enough to vaguely recall the dragon being referred to as him, Malevolent just implies he is evil. 3. Who knows.
Maybe "he," only "identifies," as a male? Wouldn't be the first such thing to happen lately.."\__°•°__/"
This was one very well-made thread, so I'll bump it just the once, coz 2 pages of comments is a shame for the effort you put in