Just need, some peoples thoughts

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SgtJango, Sep 30, 2016.

  1. I'm not looking for attention which is why I'm not posting this with my main account.

    I just want help and thoughts...

    Here's a little background. I'm 17 my freshmen year I was top of my class I'm in my junior year.
    I played football my freshmen year on JV and had a few games on Varsity, sophomore year I played for 2 days and quit. Im a junior now. I'm not one for social statuses but I guess I would be considered a pretty popular kid.

    Last year i went to senior prom and I'm still dating the girl, but I've screwed up. I'm almost bottom of my class, I'm not happy. I still hang out with people, super social, go to parties... But just to feel happy for a short amount of time. I haven't gone to school pass few days and there's been 4 weeks of school 20 days and I've missed 12. But these past few days I don't want to see anyone, I don't want to be around anyone...

    I don't want to hang out with my girlfriend, I can't live up to the expectations anymore... I was supposed to go to MMA ( a VERY good engineering school) and I still do but I don't want to be around these people anymore. I just want to move I wish I could start over. My moms never been there and I just don't know what to do. I want to just get up and move and finish my last 2 years of school where I don't know anyone... I just need thoughts ideas of what to do.

    And I don't show it or tell anyone because I don't want people not to like me anymore or think I'm weird or crazy... I just want to get away from them.
  2. *channels Dr.Freud*
    Just YOLO it
  3. You're an awful person.

    But sadly I don't know my friend :( I'm sorry to tell you.
  4. I don't mean to sound like an ass, but unless you're able to convince your parents to move away, you need to suck it up. You say you're a junior now and with the fall semester already halfway over you only have about a year and a half to go. Focus on your studies and nothing else if that's what it takes and stop worrying about what other people think, because when it's all said and done (unless you eventually plan on running for some high profile political position) none of their thoughts or opinions are going to matter.

    As an older guy I can tell you that high school life while at the time may seem challenging and somewhat depressing at times, it's nothing compared to adult life when you have a 9-5, bills to pay and a family to support. But to make that life as easiest as possible, it starts where you're at right at this very moment.

    Study hard, do well, go to a great college and focus on you because what you do now can have lifelong repercussions if you're not careful.

    Edit: Also, don't be afraid to talk to someone about it. Posting here is a start in getting it off your chest, but sadly not many here will take it seriously because this is a game after all. Talk to your gf, talk to a trusted friend, parents, school counselor. Somebody that knows you and has better insight into your daily life may be better able to assist you than random strangers on the Internet.
  5. Drgn basically covered a lot of the areas.

    But really it's all about priorities.

    If you dislike this negativity and the fact that you're 'unhappy' with your current situation, either pull through and wait for things to look up or do something about it.

    I'm not telling you to tell yo fam to go to hell, dump your gf or drop-out.

    More, seek long term happiness and less minor pleasures.

    You're still young with a lot ahead but as Drgn said, responsibilities pile as you get older and being a whiny baby now (soz op) won't solve anything.

  6. If this is serious and not a troll attempt, try finding/talking to a counselor or doctor..

    I didn't read the other replies but there could be something more serious than just being over it so to speak.

    Good luck and well wishes

    *went back and read drgns comment..what he said makes sense and isn't far from what I suggested..
  7. Don't let school get in the way of your education, you have a predetermined mission in life and if you dont find that you will have these feelings of being inadequate don't let social or societal boundaries limit your potential, that does not mean stealing, damaging property, or injuring people

    It takes 3 generations to completely rewrite history thru the schools, and our true history has been wiped out, teachers will tell you history is written by the victors, that means after a place has been conquered, someone makes the decision to cover it up, "oh they were godless savages we did them a favor by killing them off and destroying their way of life" that don't make it right

    You made the conscious decision to be born on this planet at this time, we are going thru a fantastic transition age and the powers that were are really fighting progress, tons of scientists have been dying off in the last 5 or 10 years in suspicious ways,

    Most every high level teachers are foreigners, taught in other countries, we have terrible schools that are telling lies it's like north Korea or Germany before ww2

    Take up meditation or yoga get in contact with yourself, block out all that commercial garbage and find yourself, find what makes you happy and don't stop doing it, and I'm not talking about drugs

    There is something inside you that is trying to get out and it's been suppressed or killed by your schools and grades, the higher your grades the more hopeless your existence, and to ignore what is really inside means that your just wasting your time being unhappy

    No one is happy, everyone knows we're not supposed to go to a job we hate everyday, working for a boss that's just using us to make himself rich for the equivalent of 5 cents an hour that no one can live on, just to give it all away living on land we don't own, paying taxes that we aren't intended to pay, and food that has no nutrition and laced with pesticides

    We work our whole lives trying to retire just to have it all stolen from us in the end and rushed into the hospital to be killed off quickly as possible with pharmaceutical drugs to die with nothing

    If you have telepathy you can communicate with your thoughts, if you have telekinesis you can move objects with your mind, if you have telephone you can speak from a distance, if you have television you are a mindless idiot, they even call it programming, turn it off

    You don't want to be a consumer, to consume is to destroy, create something, be productive, take found objects and glue them together, weld old bumpers together to make a tiger, paint landscapes, train animals, write music

    Do something that is contributing to the evolution of all of us, all energy is transformed into something else, destructive or productive, every action has and equal reaction, don't buy anything that you will just throw away in 18 months, if you do and it breaks use it for something else or fix it

    Build your life around producing something and you will be rewarded and then give all your rewards away and you will be rewarded again in a different way a much more meaningful and long lasting way

    Is not about the expensive cars or fancy toys, and big houses, it's never been about that, life is a spiritual journey, ask anyone who has that stuff and they will show you "I want more" they have everything they need and more and they're not satisfied with any of it

    You are told to march down a path that's destroying everything starting with yourself, but you have a choice

    What do you want to be when you grow up? That has to be the most destructive question in the history of mankind

    Why can't you just be yourself, why do you have to be molded or changed into something that fits into their machine, into something you are not, just to contribute to the destruction of everything

    Create something it doesn't matter if it's beer cans into bird houses, if your not using your energy to create, you will be using it to destroy

    Find something inside yourself that was destroyed by your indoctrination, then hold onto that, feed it, make it grow, everyone will tell you, if you are doing what you love you'll never work a day in your life, and that's basically what I'm telling you also

    But that does not mean making yourself love what your doing, it's only doing what you love to do

    Maybe you are the best artist in the world, but you never know it until you work 50 years selling insurance in a 6 foot box

    If you don't know what makes you happy, do everything into you find it, maybe you love building houses,

    no one knows but you

    Look at some of my other threads, then read the replies, I show evidence of something very evil and sinister that is a matter of fact, and look at the replies I get, mindless denials, excuses, head buried in the sand and keeping it that way, everyone is unconscious, they're zombies, literally walking dead, telling me if I don't like I can leave, as if there was some place to go, the truth is if there was some place to go everyone would be there

    Don't be like that, be yourself, you already are who you need to be, just find it
  8. Reserved

    I can definitely relate to your situation buddy, was almost exactly mine a couple years back when i was 17 too :lol:

    As hard as it sounds you honestly just gotta tell your friends how you feel. You feel like you're going to screw your future if you keep blowing off school and studying for spending time with everyone and you want to balance it out more.

    Trust me, they'll understand, friends want to support each other, they'll understand as long as you dont just completely shut them out of your life. If they don't understand they're not really worth your time tbh :S

    Ever since I did I've managed a healthy balance of partying, time with bae and time with friends really well. All the time I spend with my loved ones feels well deserved and I enjoy myself more.
    Just don't wait until it's too late to tell them like I did. I waited until my predicted grades came out all much lower than I needed them to be and made it a lot harder for me to get to where I wanted to be.

    Good luck bud ^_^
  9. Lol everyone is so soft
  10. I could spend several hours debunking everything you've said X_X but frankly I don't have the time, nor the patience to go through the crap storm that you posted.

    What I will do is point out 1 small hypocritical statement.

    You claim that teachers and perhaps society as a whole will say that history is written by the victors, you then go on to mention a historical fact.

    Surely you can believe in one or the other. You can't believe in both.
  11. As for OP. The quarter-life crisis is something that occurs in both teenagers and those in their 20s in ever increasing numbers.

    Ultimately you have to look at why you're doing what you're doing. If it's for a job or a career or a profession that you need to be at a certain standard for then work for it.

    If you're doing something for the sake of doing something then you need to re-evaluate.

    Ultimately you are in control of your future, being miserable to be miserable isn't worth it. Look at one of your interests, things that make you smile or happy and work towards them.

    You'd be surprised what doors open up for you!
  12. oh my, you sound like me. i've developed major social anxiety over the last couple years but mostly it's because of my stressful relationships in the past. i'm a Junior in highschool at the moment and i've been in love since i started highschool, same girl. i've cut off of most my friends and have literally no desire to make anymore. things get better, focus on yourself and being the best person you can be in life. if you need to talk i'm here :)
  13. -lecrae, andy mineo, tedashii.
  14. This is the third reply, the first 2 i spent 20 minutes destroying you, but just disappears
  15. Honestly though Op. Its never to late to change. You don't have to be popular to be happy. It sounds like your unhappy(in the sense that the whole 'popularity' sense and all that goes along with it is a bore) being popular and are rather bored with what everyone else is doing. If this is true than you've matured much faster than other have.
    Dont gotta read these last lines but,
    -lecrae andy mineo,tedashii, (Reach records + HGA and flame) have all helped people through difficult times. Listen for bars, stay for the content

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UdG4K4AVK_Y "This ain't, happen over night (nah) this ain't fetty wap dreads"


    ^ bars
  16. Copy it before pressing submit..

    "Destroy"? I wouldn't, mango's are heavier than tin foil hats.
  17. More hypocritical statements?

    I thought we shouldn't put our "energy" into destroying but only producing? ?
  18. Yall are derailing the thread. Get out!
    (Im kitten don't ban me *shrieks*)
  19. Hey moody can i post a youtube video link for op?
  20. Being popular is good and all but it shouldn't come before yur education. Personally I would say look at what YOU want and see if you can fix the path to it. If you're struggling talk to friends or family and then go and talk to a school guidance councillor.

    Also suptis yes you may post a link so long as it's relevant to the post and not malicious.