Just looking for beautiful places

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed810, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. Here we are... Yet another beautiful day! (Hopefully)

    This thread isn't anything special, it's just for those who love where they live, where they work, places you visited and been. Share pictures and stories!!

    I've saved up a nice amount this summer to travel for a month this winter, and I want to know great places to go. But, places based on personal experience not places you've just heard of.

    So basically this thread is just to share pictures and stories of beautiful places you've been to and live.
  2. A place I love to go is Los Angeles, specifically Venice Beach. I love it, lots of fun! Watched some like pro street ball stuff, found a weed booth, and ate some Gyros.
  3. Melbourne in Australia is my original home city, it's the most liveable city in the world for the 6th yr running now... good weather mostly, great culture, entertainment, shopping, food, sports, the best education & healthcare in aust & the best economic and population growth. Not many places are better i've been but i'd rate the queensland coast a notch above melbourne. It's got abit of what melbourne's got but it's less business & even better on the tourist side & has better weather, sights and friendlier ppl imo :)
  4. What are Gyros, and Melbourne sounds cool I'll check it out.
  5. I was in Canberra over the weekend. If you want to visit the seventies, complete with bulk beige, sad-drab, and bureaucrat chic, then I highly recommend it.
  6. Took a great picture of an ontario provincial park this summer, but i don't remember how to post photos on PC.
  7. Support

  8. I figured out how