Just like old times...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by XANA, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. I am about to have my best war yet, and it will only be better for anyone to join my clan, to keep it even. Anyone wishes to join the fun?
  2. For making such a terrible thread I am going to have to farm you.
  3. Good idea... Can't fault them for trying to do an old war
  4. Trepidation
  5. At least give me a fair chance.
  6. Decent stat players on each side
    Bringing back system wars
  7. Can I join? Lol
  8. Old school system wars are great have fun 
  9. Buncha noobs hating here for what reason?

    Some of you forum trolls have less brain power than a pebble. At least if you're gonna trash talk xana's thread be creative or original.
  10. Damn trolls
  11. I decided to do it this will be fun join us guys!
  12. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
  13. Someone is playing on chrome 
  14. People join now! I want a real war
  15. Agreed, join my clan, we will bring our old memories of system wars BACK TO KAW!