Just another death

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Dark-Side, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. Wow ive seen so msny people die in battle but yesturday my really good friend was killed in front of my eyes i just got a cut open arm but why wasnt it me ? ๎“
  2. Don't let survivors guilt consume you. Would your friend REALLY want you to be in whatever mood you're in now? I know it's hard, but just keep thinking "would _____ REALLY want me to be acting like this?". Don't waste his death, make the most of your preserved lfe.
  3. I always went to wars with him cause of that stupid nazi dude killed him
  4. The only good thing is the guy that killed him I sliced his head off๎•
  5. Ehh lol, cod5 ?
  6. This is totally fake.
  7. I thought you were like 10.....
  8. Sounds like cod5 nazi zombies lol
  9. No not nazi zombies real well thats my bro im 18
  10. Fighter
  11. dude how'd you slice his head off. Everyone uses guns and knifes aren't big enough