Just a Thought on A War System

Discussion in 'Wars' started by --_--ANONYMOUS-ZOMBIE--_--, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Just a thought ... i know it is a little rough around the Estoc Edges :lol: :lol:

    what if you had a tournament style war with Estoc edge system.
    but instead of having a minimum limit of 30 you have to have a maximum limit of 25

    *why 25 :?: :?: That's the Twist :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
    ( think of each member of the clan as building on a land. with your owner the castle)

    *the Owner can set a title for the war. either inner 8 or outer 16. ;)

    *you cant attack the owner unless first and second line of defense is destroyed. :eek:

    *the inner 8 CAN'T attack until half of the outer 16 is destroyed. :shock:

    How dose a clan member get Destroyed??

    *set a ko Limit. 10 to 20. :twisted: <-- ( i would set it low to test and debug inner/outer/and owner levels of attack)

    once a member reached the limit he/she will be out for the remainder of the war.( the building is destroyed)

    Once all your members get eliminated. or time runs out( 2,4,6,8hour)

    one clan will be eliminated and one will move on

    I KNOW it is a crazy Idea feel free to post away :) and i understand the problem with tower builds but if someone wants to spend a lot of time and gold to lose plunder in Eb's to be a Power House in war... i understand :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    PROS CONS ???
  2. They're already trailing a new war system..
  3. So I doubt they'd bring another one in.
  4. im sure your right but it was just a thought to break up the same old form chat :)
  5. Yeah, I can see. I respect you for doing so, just I really don't think anyone would really take a liking to it at this current time! And if its similar to the EE wars, then it won't go far.. Sorry to say!

    Happy KaWing!
    - Aradus
  6. Lol that be funny if that happened
  7. Interesting idea...
  8. Interesting. Would put a new twist on wars, but its not gunna happen soon
  9. WELL thanks ill take interesting. maybe a year from now when everyone has equipment and mithal goes back on sale :?
  10. It is on sale, to a certain extent. After that, you must war to obtain it.
  11. i know :cry: i mean a real sale again .
  12. I don't think they ever will. Unfortunate for some. It's a move in the right direction, it's making people war.
  13. Yes but a Man can Dream. :idea: maybe they will have a sale for they 10 year anniversary lol
  14. I've only just done my 3rd year of KaW.. Drags..
  15. ... im right their with ya :ugeek:
  16. Interesting idea. But with the new war system out, I don't think they are going to change the whole system again.
  17. That sounds very complex
  18. Interesting idea่, but O'd agree, the devs probably won't implement new things like this for a while
  19. Pretty interesting