just a heads up devs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Spilatch, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. What REALLY makes this game great , and the reason why I and many other people I know continue to play, is not the gameplay itself but the relationships we have developed over time.

    Yes of course the game is fun , which is a bonus ,but really it's the connections we have made.

    The social aspect of the game is under attack though and there are two contributing factors, 1st is the state of ee wars and 2nd is hte, but I'm just focusing on wars in this post.

    For 3 plus seasons we have seen the "good" ee clans essentially cheat their way to victory, clan after clan disband , war participation get lower and lower. And Devs seemed content while the community has suffered mightily. People have given up . We have payed hard earned money and more importantly to me, actual time of our short spans on this earth, to participate in something we love only to be shafted over and over and over again.

    You really think I enjoy spending my Saturday afternoon facing 4 lb and 7 sh? Maybe I'm the jerk for continually signing up. I guess I am .

    The heart and soul of the game is war. War should always be the number one focus for development and if there is a problem with war there is a problem with the game itself.

    These wars have almost killed my clan, and actually have killed many others. They are ruining what makes this game great and I understand why people give up.

    But if what makes the game great is mainly social based and you are ruining the social aspect of the game. Then you are ruining the game itself, for me at least.

    I do not want my clan to fail, I do not want this game to fail. And to be honest I'm pretty sure this game would be successful with no wars at all and just back to back feather hunts . It just wouldn't be for me and others like me.

    I know you guys are working on things and the individual wars are great so far. But I want to war with my clan too, and be given a fair chance to win . That's all we want is a chance, without feeling like we cheated out another clan by stacking our roster.

    So I just wanted to get this off my chest, I do not mean to seem whiny , I've already whined enough in forums, but I seriously wanted to give the developers a heads up. although I'll doubt they'll read this, but in case they do:

    Save your game. Please.

    Let the no support begin ! ;)
  2. If u don't like wars don't sign up
  3. Slim... Shut up. Try reading first..
  4. Well said
  5. Warring is a social aspect now?
  6. I agree spil! Very well said!
  7. @north, it keeps clans active and more social with clan mates on hits and other stategies.
  8. Of course it's social, it's essentially a team sport, but my post is more in regards to the after effects of constantly getting these crap matchups. It wears on people. And people give up, or worse, give in and join the manipulators.
  9. Just cuz they give up doesn't mean that it's ruining the social aspect.
  10. North have you ever had people become so frustrated they've left you clan or left the game because of wars?
  11. Leaving the clan means you can just pm em. Leaving the game cuz of a bad war is just plain stupid
  12. I don't understand how ee is destroying communication it's a form of war what keeps the game alive and it's not all day only a hour or two so your complaint doesn't make sense to me.

    And you think hte is ruining social aspect lol noob. You get the chance to go looking around clans and speaking to new people not devs fault you can't say hi to people and having a proper chat it's how you make new friends and if you can't seal for hte there's plenty of clans that need help with epics try helping them and stop being greedy that's how you keep social aspect alive
  13. Lol. Posts by complete morons do not deserve responses .
  14.  It's the players who decide the social aspect
  15. I don't have any of the problems u are complaining about spil. Maybe people just don't like being in your clan.
  16. OP is a dumbo
  17. It's a possibility lol
  18. Well said spill. You are not alone. I have stopped warring because of the BS matchups. On 3 alts I have at least 2 account with 50 point achievements in all 3 seasons. But I guess it's not good enough anymore. Only a few select clans can war with SH and LB and all the rest are just forgotten. I hope that the devs look at your thread and try harder in the future