Jorathe the Silver- the guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ironfade, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. The Frozen City
    *new EB Released on aug 9*
    Phase 1 of 2:

    Attack the Damascene Guards to 0.
    Assasinate the Captain of the Guard to 0.

    SECOND: Attack and assasinate The Frozen City to 50%
    **Phase 1 of 2 completed**

    Phase 2 of 2:

    Scout the Hail Storm
    Steal the Storm Medallion to 0.
    (It regens full {5,100 pts} every 6min)
    SECOND: Attack Ice Wizard to 0.
    THIRD: Attack The frozen City to 0%
    **phase 2 of 2 completed**

    **The Frozen City has been successfully completed.**

    Clan bonuses for Completion:
    None at this time.

    Rare Item drops:
    None at this time.

    Have fun everyone, happy KAWing!

    Note: I will be posting the guides for the next ebs as they are released. I will post all guides together, starting with TFC onward for easy access. Enjoy! :)
  2. Ugh. There are enough threads about this already.
  3. To hit this eb:
    Suggested cs range is 4m (4m players may need pots or xtals)
    *It is possible to be under 4m cs and be able to hit but, expectvto be using mith pots.
  5. There was a guid, but i seen mistakes in their info and some info lacked
  6. So Wulf's guide lacked info? Nice logic.
  7. Im not talking about wulfs, smart one
  8. Smart one. Heh. Funny you should mention that. If you know there is a guide already, why post something unnecessary. Herp derp.
  9. I didnt kno wulf already posted one. I decided to post this one BECAUSE when the skorpios eb came out, wulf didnt update his guide for a while, so this was to give kawers the info they needed until then
  10. Well maybe you should think before acting. Look around forums and see the threads that are active instead of adding to the mass.
  11. Wulfs thread always appears to be active, so check that out before jumping on other peoples cases about things :)
  12. You should probably check that out too before posting a thread that is inferior to Wulf's. :)
  13. Ibposted a thread because i wanted to. Got a problem? Too bad, so get over it. I informed the kaw community and so did wulf! No bog deal!:D
  14. The big deal was if everyone posted the same thing, they'd all be useless and spam. :roll: Try climbing out of that hole and gain your bearings before posting crap threads. :lol:
  15. Actually im pretty damn good over here, why do u care so much? wat are you wulfs wife? And if u want this thread to go away, STOP POSTING ON MY DAMN THREAD! Have a nice day!
  16. I'm wulf's wife.

    BAN 
  17. Wow royal, is it your wrong time of the month...
  18. Royal you have a little something on your nose.....

    I mean damn can you even breathe with your face that far up vulf's butt. I mean god damn.