join my clan for ownership

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DEVlL, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Hey everyone I was wonderring if u guys wud like it if you could help with a civil war in my clan. the person who helps the best and wins will get to be owner of the clan. the clan is called gia. I am the leader of the rebels and will let the best warrior become owner when we win.

    so if you reaaaallly want a clan, then come here!

    btw it's called the noob wars because that's what we, the rebels, call ourselves.
  2. so, if you are a strong player and think you can help us, then join. we will help you grow
  3. [​IMG]
    Devil you're one funny guy. And by funny I mean you're a ****.
  4. shut up,both of you. this is meant for players under 250k comb.
  5. why do noobs attempt to ruin my thread? If you were here long enough, you'd know why i posted this. This has backfired since i meant to get noobs to join the clan, not make cliche comments
  6. Hey look, I found the device for my attack alt. ready the lolcannons?
  7. ready the cannons.
  8. Can I be owner ? :mrgreen:
  9. *paw in le face*
  10. One *slight* miscalculation on the op's part: newbies don't tend to read forums. Most of the time they don't even know they're here.
  11. Your the noob lol and also noobs don't tend to read forums
  12. Also if your looking for strong players I think 250k isn't strong