
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Aries, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Jklahn689 I'm calling you out!

    Your a coward i found your you want to call people out on an alt oh well.I unloaded on you twice already made 600mill from hits.

    P.S. I blocked you so of you wanna cry you can do it here!

    Vengeful out
  2. Coming from the guy who just made a worst things that ever happened to you. This is dissapointing
  3. The point of this being what? If you want a 1v1 wall him. Don't go attention whoring on forums please.
  4. That cute
  5. Is that even a main OP?
  6. Ok vengful your a noob... And 600mil... Doubt it
  7. Read before you post.

    Hating this only let's it stay up longer.
  8. Mew congrats I just unloaded on him but my spies are full attack them they care.
  9. I make more than 600m in two unloads...

    He used an alt because his main is a few hundred KCS bigger. As he stated already.

    Gj OP. you still need to post with a main
  10. My spies are almost as big as yours and I'm a attk build.. (/)-.-)
  11. This is my I didn't post with my alt Xeno
  12. That quit stellar then.
  13. Nice. So why take on him with that account..?
  14. Mew you keep posting your hate it only gets this thread read and kept up longer.
  15. I'm tempted to put up a few SoS's just for OP..

    Nah. I rather enjoy my guilds
  16. My alts Xeno if you think I'm lieing check my clan