January 1st

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xlolx12, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. January 1st is farm all mods day
  2. I am a nub get it right
  3. This thread:
    - It is low on effort

    How to improve it:
    - Add why you want the mods farmed? (Did they silence you or something related to that).

    More Info:
    - Also, try to prevent from posting this type of threads. It could be considered Harassment.
    - (1st Offense would be a warning)
    - (2nd is a 24 hour ban)
    - (3rd and on is a ban and time is placed to ATA discretion)

    Happy New Year's, Everyone.

    Happy Kawing, Everyone. :-D
  4. you are such a ******* tool, king derp.
  5. Farming isn't harassment though0.0 just my two cents.
  6. I'm a nub its gonna be low effort plus I'm playing battlefield 4
  7. Most of the mods I've personally talked to have been rather nice. Also, bigger than you OP.

    Though perhaps you do have a good reason. Mind sharing it?
  8. I feel as if mods don't get enough attention and need love taps
  9. i have a cf from op somewhere on my wall..
  10. Not anymore, lmfao
  11. Mods get tons of attention. People like farming, stripping and yelling at them. Join in too if you'd like, but why post a thread? And why call yourself a "nub" and justify the low effort with saying you're playing B4? Why're you on here while playing B4?

    So many questions.
  12. funny how you all put more effort into bashing a thread than you do your own builds ;)
  14. Actually devs have made a rule update so yea telling someone to farm another player publicly on forms or wc is agianst Tu
  15. spreading false info is bannable.
  16. Lol it's not false info from what I heard and seen
  17. And if it is correct me mods
  18. Word, remember the Twicc and NA v mods issue and the banning of a forumer for the "opt-out" list? I think that's what they're referring to.

    *also, yes, I'm sorry my build is terrible. My inability to arrange fictional stats with fictional gold is largely overshadowed by my ability to present a logical argument.
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