iTunes Australia price hike

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by R0X3Y, Oct 18, 2015.

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  1. So just this morning I needed to seal. And discovered all my oracle prices have risen by 25%.
    Now in Australia I'm paying 7.99 per 50 nobs compared to yesterday where it was 6.49 per 50.
    When is enough enough? Imo $8 is way op for the purchase reward.

    Comparison rate to USA compared regarding 200 nob packs and discovered we're paying $15 more then them after converting the dollar.

    I know it's iTunes doing it but that being said.... It still sucks. I doubt I will run many crux chests in the near future at these costs...


    6 crystals-7.99
    32 crystals-30.99
    168 crystals-159.99
  2. they did an ounce the other day that prices would go up in certain countries like Australia because the currency there had fallen in comparison to the dollar or at least the US dollar. it's on one of the forums.
  3. bottom of page 2 of active topics possibly page 3.
  4. It's funny you pay the same price for 200 noobs as you do for 32 xtals

    Shouldn't you get the same amount of regaining your troops for the same price so it really should be 320 noobs for the price
  5. Cry me a river
  6. Converting my currency to Ozy$ you should be paying $8.49 for those, sounds like a bargain $7.99
  8. It was different when it was much cheaper than USA prices? Sorry you're kangaroo currency is in the toilet...Just eat your fairy bread and put down the phone
  9. LoL classic American attitude. A nation comprised mostly of loudmouth ignorant morons. Have fun spending all your tax $$$ on bombing sand and hospitals.
  10. Thank Syria for the rise of the American $ lmao
  11. LoL classic attack on an American. Have fun paying more for a game and being a nobody
  12. Ata can always make the nobs cheaper if they so wished... But its far easier for you to be out of pocket than them. Just get your cash out and shut up or we will put you in the corner with the other naughty people who won't pay
  13. U mad breh?
  14. First off that was one guy so stop judging a country off one person hypocrite, second that was russia who has been bombing ppl left and right
  16. if that was the case, no one would buy xtals.
  17. Ata should consider a slight decrease in prices, with all the events they roll out they'd see more volume. Never really understood why they're so stubborn on pricing specials and deals.
  18. To be honest , YES ATA needs To Lower The Price On ROTW and HTE , compared to Other EB that pay almost The same plunder... Less price means moré people buying seals and Horns...
  19. 7.99 in AUD or USD? Because 7.99 AUD is still 5.79USD, considered "normal" if ATA is basing everything off US prices.

    Also, does anyone know if you change your country in iTunes do you start paying that countries prices and in their currency? And then Credit card would just convert to your currency?

    Because if you can, the Canadian prices are cheaper than the Australian prices, and the currencies are close in value.
  20. Smartest thing to ever come out of your mouth except fory eggplant
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