It's Time for New Pots

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Imitation-Cheese, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. Bruce, Mario and the rest of the dev team,

    With the release of these new lands, player stats have doubled. We haven't had new pots since the release of the highlands.

    As powerful as new equipment is and boosted stats, the existing pot selection is now obsolete. I believe it's time for us to get the next installment of troop and spy attack and defense items.

    Are there plans to release new pots in the near future?
  2. They even have them from when they released them last time...
  3. I agree they are needed, but I don't know how much stats they are. If too op for small people they may need to be locked until you unlock a certain abyss or airland.
  4. That's right, Moody. We are now two iterations behind in pots. This puts non/low spenders at an even more significant disadvantage against big spenders than they already are, which I'm sure is not the intent of the development team.
  5. I have all the kinds of pots available for purchase. *moonface*.
  6. I'd love new pots
  7. why even have pots ? just remove them all
  8. No support, pots are more than a bit of a waste now, if anything they should remove them all, except for the ones needed for certain ebs.. When it comes to PVP, they are useless and have been for quite some time..

  9. Shame they removed new pots due to lb players whining lmaoo
  10. Yeah you try and name the X amount of different pots that need to released, gl lol.
  11. Why are new pots needed? Actually there is greater argument that no new pots are needed and the hit ranges needed to be tightened. To have pots so smalls can hit bigs beyond their stats doesn't encourage growth but it's unfair a big can smash a small new pots don't help other than offsetting each other - tightening hit range encourages players to hit similar size players helps. No support