Its The Carmakers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. You see the candy, you take the candy.

    It's not so much that it's delicious and free. But that you are programmed to receive.

    From birth, you take what's given, you give nothing back but an occasional giggle, and abundant joy to those around you for merely existing.

    You eat, consume, grow.

    They say the human race is a virus. least that's what Agent Smith said. In "The Matrix".

    That made a lot of sense to me. I think I would like to be a program. Screw all the dynamics of feeling. I want to be a slave by design. With no feelings toward that. Smith malfunctioned. Hence his connection with Neo.

    They were both broken.

    If the Earth decided to turn on us, where would Mother Nature strike first?

    The water?

    The air?

    Could we survive if she decided to punish us for what we did to her in high-school? Because that's kind of what the current civilization is. We are immature, and stupid.

    We have the knowledge and technology to revitalize our own planet, and reverse the deterioration of it, and yet, we gawk at Kim Kardashians ass, suck down another quarter pounder, and feed the organizations that destroy our future.

    Inadvertently? No. We turn a blind eye. We are to blame.

    All the crazy "earthy crunchy protesters" that wanna save whales, hug trees, etc....they are the true protectors.

    We like being stupid. It's more enjoyable to ignore it and try to embrace it. It won't effect us in this life.

    Look what the dinosaurs did! They ate the ozone layer and destroyed themselves. Their bones piled into the very rock that supported them millions of years ago.

    Cavemen had to deal with all the rot smell. Disgusting dinosaur pollution. All the Dino-cities had all their Dino-buildings collapse and Dino-diners had all their carnivorous entrees just go bad...and it smelled....


    That's why the cavemen invented the wheel. So they could build cars to drive out of the rot and enjoy the damn sunshine and daisies.

    I'm done ranting. You people need to start opening your eyes. Open your nostrils and realize the air is oppressive.

    Find a batch or fresh air. Build a car. Become a carmaker. Drive .... wait, no, don't do that. That pollutes the air. Walk.

    Walk wherever the air is fresh and learn how to smell good things. Otherwise we're all doomed.

    Carry on.
  2. Good thread
  3. Slave.

    How dare you listen to me.
  4. This was a fantastic read.

  5. i used to get mad when people wouldn't walk across the hall to throw things in the recycling.

    nobody is walking anywhere. if people could drive to their refrigerator, they would.
  6. I am Caliban. You are Prespero. You threaten thee with thou magic

    *whimper* :cry:

  7. There's even deeper meaning than just that in this thread
  8. Not sure whether to free willy or get arrested for indecent exposure?
  9. there is meaning in this thread?!? :?
  10. Thee art a clotpole and I wilt not standeth by and alloweth thee rid mine forum, thee monster!!

  11. Agent Smith: Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization.
  12. I feel you Wordwaster.

    It's like when you see a child drop something, and the parent says "Pick that up, and throw it away?!"

    The child is the only honesty there. Te parent is lazy, and teaching the child to be wasteful and petty.

    How about picking that item up, and handing it to your child and telling your kid to stuff whatever it is - into the shirt of the scantily clad 20 year old that clearly needs another object to cover herself - sitting right there.



    Be a giver, kids. Always try to protect that which matters most.
  13. Why can't I drool over Kim Kardashian's meaty ass?

  14. Agent Smith: You hear that Mr. DUNA ?... That is the sound of inevitability... It is the sound of your death... Goodbye, DUNA, ......
    DUNA: My name... is ...DUNA

    Best quote ever.

  15. Damn.. A matrix quote from a Machine in an online game forum!

    Mind... Blown
  16. Ashes your quote just blew me.... Away... After it blew me... Away.
  17. Ka... Blam